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Me?" I asked, my face heating up red.

The teacher is clearly pointing at me and staring at me which adds to the embarrassment. And at that moment, I think to myself- Melody Marie Williams, you are the stupidest person this world has ever seen. Everyone is staring at me and my heart is racing. And suddenly, the world is starting to get slow and words are becoming distorted. Oh my god Melody, don't pass out on your first day, you asshole. I blink quickly and bring myself back to reality, the teacher and everyone else in class still staring at me.

"Yes you, I said introduce yourself. And you are the only new person here." The teacher chuckled.

A few people smirk, making me feel insecure. Why am I like this? I sank slowly into my seat and could feel my cheeks heating up. Moving and transferring schools was already a bad idea. I took in a deep breath and forced myself to look up and stare at everyone.

"I'm Melody. Melody Williams." I nervously say.

"Like a song melody?" Someone shouts out from the back.

"Y-yeah. Like a song." I inwardly curse my mom and dad for giving me a weird name.

I hear a stifled laugh come from the same place and my mind is screaming frantically. Why are people so mean?

"Okay Melody, tell us about yourself." The teacher asks.

"I'm 17, I just moved from Georgia, and uh I like music?" I answered, not pleased with my answer at all.

Everyone stares at me some more before turning away, I guess satisfied by my vague choice of words. The teacher nodded and turned back to teaching us about useless math.

"You'll love it here in Stratford." He mumbled.

And somehow I get the feeling that won't be true at all. The rest of class goes on like a blur and I can't help thinking about how tomorrow will be. I looked around at the class and see how everyone looks different from me. I have slightly tanned skin and everyone is as pale as a ghost. There is not a lot of things to say about me. And what I could say about me was pretty sad. I had just moved from Atlanta, Georgia in the U.S. to a small town called Stratford in Ontario, Canada. I moved from a big country house to a small house by a park. I wasn't usually awkward or shy, but I was more laid back and I guess honest. I wasn't "one of those girls" apparently, which ultimately led to my ex boyfriend cheating on me. So that's always fun.. Adding that to moving to a new country, I was beyond terrified of what my new life would be like. And today was already so horrible. After mentally yelling at myself, the bell rings and I jump in my seat. I sigh and grab my things, practically running out of the classroom. The rest of my classes were alright since I managed not to fuck up as much as I did first period. And now it was time for lunch. I made my way to a lunchroom, filled with so many intimidating faces. As soon as I walked inside, a lot of those faces switched their gazed from their friends to me. Everyone knew each other in this school and I was the only one who was left out. I walked to get lunch, slowly, hoping I could avoid attention. But to my luck, someone stopped me. A girl with auburn hair and brown eyes smiles at me and waves.

"Hey!" She grinned.

I smiled slightly and waved back.

"Hi." I said.

Okay, don't fuck this up.

"You're the new girl right? I'm Kendall." She chirped.

I nodded and smiled, looking at her some more. Her tone was syrupy sweet and she looked like someone who I could be friends with.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Melody." I replied.

She pulled me over to her table where I silently praised the lord for not letting me be a total loser. There were more girls I saw with a few guys. They seemed somewhat nice. But one of them stood out to me and it was a girl with icy blonde hair. Her eyebrows were a jet black color which to me seemed kind of gross. But like her hair, her personality was kind of gross. She was bitchy. She stared at me the whole time and looked like she didn't like me. And I think I know the difference between resting bitch face and not liking someone.

"So Melody, you been to any parties yet?" She asked in a fake tone.

I look at Michelle, I learned her name was, and shrug, shaking my head. Why does she care about what parties I go to?

"I mean I just moved here like two days ago, so no?" I say.

She laughed nasally and pulled out her phone.

"You should come to this party in the woods on Friday. It's like a bonfire but way cooler. Give me your number so I can put you in the group chat." She said.

Oh, I don't like this. I look at Kendall who nodded.

"Yeah, we're all going. It'll be fun, plus a good way to get to know everyone in Stratford!" She said.

I hesitantly gave my number to Bitchelle and she smirked, taking her phone back. The rest of lunch wasn't as bad or awkward. They were all very nice. With the exception of Bitchelle. And a few classes later, it was now time to go home. I liked my house but it was small compared to my old one. I was definitely not used to the change in scenery. As I walked towards my front door, I swore I heard soft breathing coming from next to me. But no one was there. I shook it off and walk inside, a little creeped out. But as soon as I lay down on my couch, I forget about the creepy noise and my sort of shitty first day. My mom and dad aren't home from work yet so I can relax and take a nap. I close my eyes and slowly fall unconscious.

Everything is so dark.
I see the woods and a figure in front of me.
I can hear growling and heavy breathing.
I can feel someone's eyes burning into my head.
I can feel myself running away.
What is it?
I'm suddenly stopped by a monster.
A big monster with red eyes.
It's angry and it wants to kill me.
It's pointing at me and it grabs me, howling my name.

I wake up, scared and breathing heavily, only to see my mom in front of me.

"Melody! Are you okay?" She asks.

I look around slowly and nod, frowning.

"It was just a nightmare." I mumble.

Right? She nods and sighs, trying to reassure me that it was okay. The monster had such red vivid eyes and they looked so real. Everything felt so real. I even saw the woods in my dream. But I don't want to think about it anymore.. After dinner I went up to my room and laid down, doing my annoying homework. I'm getting tired at this point so I laid down and sighed. Maybe tomorrow will be better? I could feel myself falling asleep again but as much as I don't want to think about it, I am reminded of the nightmare I had. I know it was a dream and all but I get the inevitable feeling there's more to my new life that I'll soon see. And who knows what will happen.

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