....yama x jesus christ. Smut.

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Yama stood over the holy man, her face turning redder and redder. She started to sit on top of his erection, it immediately going inside of her, making her let out a loud moan. Jesus pulled her close to his face, whispering into her ear. "State the Lord's Prayer, Yama..." He let go of her as she started moving up and down, reciting the Lord's Prayer.

"Ngh...O-our f..father...who a-art in...ah~...h-heaven...h..hallowed be thy n...name..." She started going faster, Jesus moaning out of pleasure. Yama continued. "T...th..thy kingdom c-come..fuck...thy w..will be done...o-on earth a..as it is i...ngh...in heaven..."

"Give u-us this d..day our daily b-bread..." She let out a moan. "A-a-and forgive us our trespasses...as we for...forgive those who t-trespass ag..against us..." Jesus started squeezing Yama's breasts, fondling them.

"And le-lead us not into temptation...b-but deliver us from evil~ For th-thine is the kingdom, a..and the power...and the glory...for ever and e-AH~" Before Yama could finish her sentence, Jesus came into her, leaving her breathless. Yama laid down next to Jesus, her body weak as she snuggled up next to him.

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