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"Jungkook is so hot" I thought. I kept looking at him, admiring how cute and sexy he is at the same time. I kept staring until the makeup stylist came to me. "Guys in 35 minutes we are up. Hurry up guys," Bang PD Nim said from the doorway.

Around 5 minutes later, I was finally done with my makeup and right as I started staring at Jungkook again, the hair stylist came and started fixing his hair. "Jungkook is 15, I am 18. That's ok. Jimin is also 18. Whatever. Focus on Jungkook, Taehyung." I thought to myself.

Once my hair stylist was done, there was around 20 minutes left until we go on stage. I decided to go to Jimin. I chose him because I don't want to have a boner right before I preform. I went to Jimin right then. I grabbed my phone and started recording him getting his makeup almost done for fun. "Here is Jimin-ssi almost done with his makeup. He looks super cute. And now he is turning red right as I said that." Tae laughed as he teased Jimin more.

Jimin and I are practically brothers. Extremely touchy brothers. We already performed in Seoul, Busan. By the way, that's where Jungkook and Jimin were born. Right now we are in Tokyo. Tokyo was actually a fun place. It had a lot of lights which made Tokyo one of my favorite places. Also, the food here is so good.

I have hung out with Jungkook a few times. He calls me hyung, but I want him to call me something else. I didn't really know yet tho. After thinking about Tokyo and Jungkook, PD Nim came at the door. "Hurry up go on stage!! You guys are up!" I gulped. I was very nervous but I was also used to it. I did this a few times. Then we went and performed No More Dream.

When we were done, I went to Hobi-hyung. "Hobi-hyung!!! I have a question!" I went to Hobi-hyung. We were all sweating but since no one was doing Hobi-hyung's makeup and hair I decided to ask him advice. If I went to Yoongi, he'll tease me too much, Namjoon and Jin are being gay, like always.

"Hey, Tae! What's wrong?" Hobi-hyung said. "Well, I kinda need advice. You're the only member that will be okay with me saying this, everyone else would make fun of me, Namjoon-hyung will say something inappropriate, Yoongi-hyung will make fun of me and tease me, Jimin won't help me, he'll just be a pervert. And Jin-hyung, he is like an Eomma to me, I'll feel weird telling him stuff. It might later come to sex advice." I told him.

Hobi-hyung nodded, "Well what do you need?" I sighed. "Well, I kinda like Jungkook, as you know. But, I just wanna ask him out and every time I try to, I get to embarrassed. It's only been like 2 months since our debut. How? How can I tell him that I like him, without getting embarrassed?" I whispered. But I don't think I was whispering quiet enough. I saw Jimin making fun of me.

"Listen. There's nothing to be afraid of. Try your best. Think of it this way, if you don't ever tell him, when would you guys start dating? Or started to be called Taekook or Vkook whatever you think of it as. Every one has a ship. People ship me and Suga, Sope or Yoonhope. Namjin, Nammin, Vmin, Jikook, Namseok. There's so much. Very few people ship you 2 because your never around him. Don't you wanna change that?" Hobi told me. I sighed. "Ok. I'll change it right now. We have 5-10 minutes. I can tell him." I told him. He smiled while nodding and let me leave.

I went over to Jungkook who was currently on a couch watching Boys Republic perform. "Hey Jungkook." I said already blushing. "Oh hi V-hyung. Why don't we hang out? It makes me sad." Jungkook told me with a pouty face.

"I- I- it's beca-" I stopped talking because I realized Jungkook's pouty face was making me hard, and it was so visible. I got up I was gonna go to the bathroom, but Jungkook grabbed my hand and pulled me back on the couch. "Beca what? Beca your having a boner?" Jungkook teased me and also had a smirk on his face that couldn't be wiped off. "Don't worry baby, I'll help you with it, but I can't go to far because there are way too many people here" Jungkook's smirk got bigger.

Just then, Jungkook got his hand and put it on my clothed length. He started moving his hand faster and faster. I kept moaning and my moans were getting louder the faster he went. "Baby, quiet down. Others might here you. Here, you can bite on your shirt," Jungkook told me. I kept whimpering, and whimpering.

"Looks like you're enjoying it, Baby." Jungkook said. "I- I want more. Ah don't stop. Ahh." I kept moaning and whimpering. Jungkook smirked and said, "well, you asked for it." And Jungkook went super fast and I was moaning. I immediately starting biting my shirt again. Jungkook stopped and I frowned. "We have 6 minutes. Just so you know," Jungkook whispered in my ear instead of going away from my ear, he licked it and sucked it. I kept biting my shirt. He kept sucking my ar, moaning himself. He decided to unzip my pants a little.

"You asked for it baby, and call me daddy. Not in public though, ok?" Jungkook smirked and I nodded still biting my shirt, there was a few wholes because of bite marks I bit to hard. He put his hand inside my underwear and rubbing my dick, faster and faster. "Ah. Jungk- Daddy, go faster we have like 4 minutes, make me cum!" I whisper-yelled, still whimpering and moaning. Jungkook was smirking more now, looking at me. My head was back. It felt so good. "Daddy, don't stop. It feels so good. I can't wait until we are home," I told him.

He smirked and went as fast as I could handle. "Daddy I'm close!!" I whispered-yelled to Jungkook. He went faster and faster and I finally came on his hands.

He shucked his own hand getting all the cum in his mouth. "Thank you, baby. I was very hungry, hungry for you." Jungkook smirked. He put his hand in my dick again, I thought he was going to do it again but we had like 2 minutes left. But he ended up just getting ther rest of the cum and sucking the rest. "Mmm. That tastes so good." Jungkook said. He zipped up my pants and I saw Namjoon coming to us.

"What the hell are you guys doing? We are up right now! Are song is playing. Do you not hear it? Get up let's go!" Namjoon said. We got up clearly embarrassed and went to the stage.

Just so you guys know, I don't know a lot about sex so I'm sorry if I write something wrong. I used to watch a lot of porn, but I started reading and writing fanfics. I do watch a lot of fmv's tho. And calm down, I am only 12 okay? Don't say stuff like my friends do, I'm to young for this shit. I don't care 😂.

Ig: jungkookiemonster_95
Snapchat: kookiekookie_95
Yt: https://youtube.com/channel/UCIIBF1oRSMtmSsW0I4K-fBw

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