War Of Emotions

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You stepped up further in line with BF/N by your side; your heart beating out of your chest. You could see him, in all his beauty. Seeing him at different ages like you did was so odd. He was so much older now; before you time traveled this was just how he was. It meant something different to you now.

His mid-length black hair dangling, his brown eyes going from the fans to the CD's he was signing, and that blue outfit complemented all his features. How much you missed him hit you hard in those moments.

You were so scared though, just thinking of him remembering you or not, and how he might react in front of all these people shook you to the core. 

It was your turn to step up and get your CD's signed, not the exact feelings you were hoping to have at this moment. He glanced up at the two of you and smiled lightly, then took your CD's and started signing them.  He handed BF/N CD to them, they walked off. He handed you yours, your hands touched briefly. Electricity went throughout your whole body, and you knew that he felt it too by the look on his face.

His eyes locked with yours; you smiled at him lightly, "Bye, Michael..." you whispered, "I love you." I meant that from the bottom of my heart. You knew that he probably heard it from almost every fan he met, but it meant everything to you to say it, even if he didn't understand your meaning.

"Bye..." he said as he watched you walk off, you could tell that he didn't recognize you. 

You sighed heavily and stared down at the CD. Small tears slowly trickled down your face. You knew that your chances of being with him were so slim that they weren't even considered chances anymore. 

BF/N had to leave for work, so you sat by yourself on the cold bench outside the CD signing, cars and pedestrians passing by you on the busy streets of New York City as you cried your heart into your hands. 

As you thought that no one understood how you were feeling, that you were alone in this war of emotions, the sky clouded and rain poured down from above. 
Everyone fled and ran for cover; you sat, staring ahead off in thought, letting the rain soak you and wash away your salty tears though they flowed just as fast as the rain fell. 

You sat there for hours as the rain kept falling, your hair stuck to your skin and outlining your face, your clothes clinging to your skin, your lip continuously quivering as you choked. 

You heard voices and footsteps near, but you didn't make the effort to look up. You heard the water splash as footsteps approached you and you felt a hand on your shoulder as another gently lifted your chin to look at the person. 

"Hey... Are you OK?" None other than Michael Jackson himself asked you. You stared at him in shock, pain, confusion, and happiness. Almost every emotion possible flooding your mind.
You couldn't speak; you felt that there was a lump in your throat. 

Thankfully he did the talking for you, "C'mon, you need to get inside and get some warmth. I'm not taking no for an answer either," he lifted you off the bench, took his jacket off, and wrapped it around you, holding your body close to his.

You felt your heartbeat quicken, though more tears started to form and fall down to the cold, wet ground. You choked up again, causing Michael to look at you with confusion and sympathy. 
As you entered the limousine, you couldn't help but stare at the floorboard and think about your chances. You already knew he had a third child on the way even. It was clear that there was no time for you. This had to be some cruel game life was playing with you.

You could feel him staring at you, the silence was adding on to the pressure since you were the only people in the limo other than the driver, whom had his window to the back shut. 
You never once glanced at him, you wouldn't dare to. You knew that you would just worry him with the tears streaming down and the sorrow in your eyes. Not to mention one look in those eyes of his would send you into a sobbing mess again.

You also knew that you were making up excuses and telling them to yourself because you were so scared of what he might think or say. 

"Miss? Please, look at me," he begged softly. 

You slowly lifted your head and turned to look at him; your gaze met his and you sobbed again, sending you back into depression. You just couldn't pull yourself together, and it was quite embarrassing in a way. 

"Please don't cry... It pains me to see someone cry," he said barely over a whisper. 

You slowed your breathing a bit and tried to hold back your tears, sniffling every now and then. You closed your eyes and focused on the happy times you both had together, the laughs, the sleepovers. The kiss. 

You finally got the guts to look at him; those big, brown eyes staring into yours with curiosity. They never lost that sparkle. You sighed and looked out the window, watching the rain sweep off from the wind. 

"Do I know you?" he asked you out of the blue, breaking the silence. 

You looked at him with pained eyes, "You might have wiped me out of your memory.... After what happened..." 

He furrowed his eyebrows, "What do you mean?" 

"Do you mind if I tell you later? Just so I can pull myself together first, and have all the right words at the right time," you wiped a few tears away. 

"Of course," he grabbed your hand; again the electricity flooded your body. By the way his eyes lit up and how his composure changed let you know that he felt it again as well. 
"God, I missed your touch and that feeling..." You said quietly without thinking. 

He looked at you with that look, that look he had back in '82 before he kissed you. That look that you could never read, as he scooted closer to you.

Traveling Back In Time With You In Mind (Michael JacksonXFemReader)Where stories live. Discover now