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/ this chapter is on Jungkook’s point of view

You put up your hand and caressed my cheeks, and hell if I remember when was the last time you did that. Those eyes, I see those ever so rarely, but I’d never miss it when I do.

“Jungkook, love,” don’t say that. Don’t make me regret it. Don’t make me regret what I’m about to do. Don’t put my effort trying to hold back all these tears into waste. Please.

“I’m sorry.. was I that bad person? Do you hate me?” I don’t, and I don’t think I ever would. But if I’m honest, you’ve really been too harsh on me.

“I know you’re tired of my behavior. Of my past. You’re not just my boyfriend, you were my bestfriend too, and I forgot about that. I started thinking of you as-”

I don’t want to hear it, I don’t want to hear about him. Hyung, if you could read my mind, you’ll know how much you don’t have to say it to me, because I know, and it’s everything in my mind ever since.

/ end of Jungkook’s pov

Taehyung cut himself off when Jungkook shut his eyes closed, and tears started to fall down. Tae had seen him laugh like there’s no tomorrow, smile from ear to ear, blabber the most stupid things, he had seen him being the happiest. But only realizing it now, he had never seen Jungkook cry. Four years together, and yet he’d never seen him shed a tear.

He felt himself starting to sob, tears also didn’t miss its chance to fall. Maybe, he doesn’t want to break Jungkook, after all.

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