Desolated Smile Chapter 2

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"A second glance. That's all I ask for." How wonderful the world would be if cruelty and darkness were not of this universe. But without them, such wondrous people would not have existed. Thank you for being there... The shining moon in my night abyss.

Chapter 2 - Little Ghost

Why was it warm all of sudden? Scrunching up her face, she lifted her eyelids a little to become blinded by the light of the sun shining through the open curtained window. How Jo wondered the reason to why the curtain was opened. She sat up from the couch she decided to sleep on last night after vigorously trying to persuade Maki that she will be fine on the couch. Jo didn't want to continue to burden Maki and Tomoya, after all she ended being apart of the household as of last night. She sat up, accidentally pushing the blanket to the floor. She stared, blurry eyed, at the lump of fabric on the floor, wondering what it was for a second. She soon awoke from her daze and picked up the blanket. She stood up and folded the blanket, neatly placing it on the couch. After stretching to contentment, she looked around her "bed", checking to see if it were tidy. Nodding to herself in satisfaction to the cleanliness, she walked towards the kitchen. Suddenly she heard a soft melody enter her ears. She walked closer to the kitchen to face Maki's back towards her. Maki was already fully dressed, dark blue jeans, green and white striped shirt, slippers and an apron. Jo looked around to see if Tomoya was up yet. He wasn't.

Starting to feel awkward for standing in one spot for a long time, Jo walked into the kitchen, unknowingly dragging her slippers against the tiled floor. Maki turned to the sudden sound and smiled when she met Jo's eyes.

"Good morning Jo!" She greeted cheerfully. "Did you sleep well?" She asked as she fixed the table, arranging place mats and other tableware. Jo nodded and Maki continued to smile. "You can get ready. Breakfast isn't finished yet." Get ready? Jo was confused to what she was talking about. Maki had noticed and giggled, causing Jo to look at her with a raised brow. "We're going to go buy you your things remember?" She said answering Jo's unspoken question. That was today? Jo thought but decided not to speak. She nodded and began to walk to the bathroom but was soon stopped by Maki's voice. "I placed some clothes in the bathroom already so you don't have to worry about wearing your old clothes again. I hope you don't mind using To-chan's clothes again, all though we're the same sizes you seem as though you don't enjoy wearing the clothes I wear. Um... or am I wrong?" Maki turned to her in worry that she might have said something offensive. When Jo turned around Maki was surprised by her expression. Jo was smiling towards her.

"Its all right. I'm really not use to wearing woman's clothing anyway so its okay. Thanks." Jo left Maki awestruck. Maki had never seen Jo smile before and it took her by surprise. Maki smiled to herself, knowing that the girl she had met yesterday was starting to become closer to her. Maki began to hum again, her mood brighter than ever.

Jo walked up to the bathroom, entered then locked it. She began to think of what Maki had said about her clothes. She was spot on. Jo didn't hate wearing woman's clothes in particular it is just that man's clothes are more comfortable. She looked into the mirror to see herself smile a little. What a wondrous thing a smile was. It can be created without much effort and it can mean more than one thing. However, smiles will need to take some time to getting used to. Just smiling made her feel so tired. She wondered how long it has been since she gave someone a genuine smile. Jo sighed and began to get ready. After brushing her teeth with the extra toothbrush the cousins' had, she hit the showers once again feeling the warm water hit her bare body. Ah, what a wonderful feeling.

She stared in the mirror making sure she looked proper. She looked at the clothes Maki had picked from Tomoya's closet. Jo was wearing light gray, straight jeans, and a white hooded, long-sleeved shirt with a black design on the shoulder and on the sides. The jeans and shirt were baggy but all in all it actually looks very nice. Maki had a really good taste in clothes or was it Tomoya that had good tastes since the clothes belonged to him. Jo scoffed at the thought and realized how close she had gotten to the cousins. Staying for only a few hours and she has already started making fun of them as if they were like family. She looked down for a moment. A family was the one thing that always lingered in the back of her mind. Where was her family? She shook the sadden thought away and looked back at the mirror once again examining the clothing on her person. Jo began to wonder if Tomoya would let her keep the clothes but that would be asking too much of him. She left her hair the way it was before and began to clean up any wet spots on the counter or mirror. After cleaning she went downstairs and into the kitchen to meet Maki. Tomoya has yet to awaken from his dream land.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2011 ⏰

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