The Life of Draco Malfoy

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Draco Malfoy had always wondered what he had done to deserve such a shitty father. When he turned 11 years old, the only person excited for him to receive his Hogwarts letter was Narcissa Malfoy. His mother was the only good thing is his life, and when his dad pulled his hair that day and told him that he better act like a Malfoy, she stepped in. She stepped in even though it meant that she would be the one to receive Lucius Malfoy’s wrath.

His second year’s winter break he learned, begrudgingly, what the word ‘mudblood’ meant after his father insulted Hermione Granger, who would later become his wife, all because Draco acknowledged the fact that she was the brightest witch of their age. After Lucius finished explaining to Draco what she was, he sent Draco to bed. Draco cried himself to sleep, traumatized by his father’s blatant racism.

On the first day of his third year, his best friend Blaise Zabini noticed the fading bruise along Draco’s eye. When he questioned Draco, Draco came clean to him and told him about his father. From then on, Draco spent every summer and winter break at the Zabini Manor. Lucius was not happy, but Narcissa wouldn’t allow Lucius to bring him home.

The summer before his fourth year, he spent one night at Malfoy Manor so he could see his mother. His father never found out he was there. That was the year Harry Potter’s name was pulled from the Goblet of fire. When Harry came back from the maze pulling Cedric Diggory’s body, he informed everyone that Voldemort was back. After that, his father took to visiting him in school and beating him there. The night of the Yule ball, he saw Hermione walking down the stairs in her pretty blue dress and tried his best to ignore her. To this day he refuses to admit to her that he thought she looked beautiful but she knows. She can see it on his face when he talks about it.

Draco’s fifth year at Hogwarts he wrote to his mother because he had been made prefect. She sent him his favorites sweets to celebrate, but when his father found out he beat her so severely, she was afraid to answer any letters for almost 3 months. When he visited during the winter break, Lucius beat him too. His hate towards his father grew more with every passing day, but he got lucky and Lucius was sent to Azkaban for a reason unknown to him.

His sixth year was his favorite. It was a great school year. During the winter break he got to spend time with his mother and moved her to a safer location away from the manor. Everything was fine until Dumbledore was killed. That night, Draco hid in his room and cried. He was found during the raid and taken from Hogwarts by his father’s cohorts. When he was thrown into a dungeon in his own home and stripped of his wand he learned his father was a death eater working for Lord Voldemort. His mother, after being forced to come back once she learned where he was, would sneak to the dungeon at the dead of night to visit him.

What would have been his seventh year was even worse. He spent day after day in the dungeon while it would fill and empty. One day he was brought out to identify three captures who they thought was the golden trio. He told everyone he didn’t know who they were only to be thrown back into the cell, forced to listen to Hermione scream while his aunt tortured her. The trio escaped that day, leaving him behind so he could be close to his mother. Weeks later, his mother came barging in and apparated them to Hogwarts. They were separated in the chaos, and as he stood hiding in a dark corner while looking for her he heard Pansy Parkinson turn her in and then saw his mother’s lifeless body on the floor. He waited for her body to be left there and ran to her. As he held her, Hermione and Luna ran past him as they dueled. He hexed the death eaters after them, which allowed the girls to finish them off.

The end of the war brought on his father’s trial. Lucius Malfoy was rotting in the most guarded ward of the prison. Draco buried his mother, closed the manor and moved to apartment 15A. He trained under Harry to become an auror and secretly helped him look for his best friend. 3 years after the war he would find her and have to be her assigned auror while waiting for Weasley’s trial.

2 years after that trial, he married Hermione and they had their first child together. He named the child after a constellation, just like his mother and him and the Black family tradition. He became best friends with Ginny Weasley, always teaming up against his wife and work partner to play pranks on them. He never once raised his voice at Hermione or child and lived to be a better father than Lucius ever was.

He loved his life and everyone in it.

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