Back to school...

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Erins' P.O.V:

So today we have to face our head teacher which I don't think is going to end very well... We all woke up early enough to have our showers but I was delayed I don't know about the others but Jai had text me again saying that he wants to meet up tonight just me and himself. I wonder what he wanta ?

To Jai.

Sure, where are we going and what are we doing?

From Erin.

I finally decided to get in the shower as he hasn't replied in a while, I have to make my shower even shorter than usual as I apparently spent half an hour waiting for a text! As I stepped into the warm shower water I suddenly felt relaxed I finally starting scrub my body as well as my hair and standing there under the warmth of my shower watering the soap off my hair and running down the drain. After all of the soap had left my body I decided to get out and do my make up at this point the Kyla will be getting changed and Elli will be making me and her some breakfast, Kyla doesn't eat breakfast it makes her feel sick. Once I did my hair and make up I walked into our kitchen and just saw some cereal on the side to me this was different to what I usually have. Elli usually makes me pancakes but I guess she must be running late to! After I ate all of my Coco pops I went to brush my teeth but first in went to see what Kyla was doing so I knocked on here door.

"Come in." I hear her yell to me. As I walked in a saw Kyla on her phone and I asked her what she was doing.

"HEY ERIN!" I hear a voice shout from out the phone.

"I am on face time with Luke why?"

"Hi Luke, and no reason Kyla hurry up though I need to tell you something before the boys come."

"Hey why can't I know?!" I hear Luke again as I had forgotten he was there.

"Shut up you and okay Erin I will be two seconds." Just as left the door I great Luke begging for Kyla not to go and then I hear Kyla say stop bing an idiot you will see me soon.

I brushed my teeth and by the time I did that Kyla came into my room and sat down on my bed waiting for me to tell her what had happened.

"Right, Jai had text me today saying that he just wants me and him to meet up and I really don't know why do you think her likes me?!"

"I know he texted you." Kyla replied simply and ignored my question.

"Wait, what why?!"

"Elli knows two and I can't say but you are going to have fun tonight." What does she mean by this... I just sit on my bed confused and determined to know what she meant by 'fun night.'

"FAGOTTS TIME FOR SCHOOL LETS GOOOOO." Elli was extremely execited today.

"But the boys aren't here?" Me and Kyla both said in unison as we walk we walked out my bed room door.

"Yeah, they are meeting us at the gate. Now come on!" Me and Kyla both looked at each other confused why the boys didn't come to our house.

We took our usual walk to school talking about anything today our conversation were about why they used the word sand in the name I thought that it was slightly off putting.

After our stupid conversation we was finally greeted by the boys standing and the gate Kyla went to Luke and hugged him and Elli went to Beau and kissed him, me and Jai awkwardly just stood next to each other waiting for them to finish meeting again. We all walked down the car park to our gates to get into the school and just as we walked through the gates the bell went so me and Jai went to our form and Kyla, Elli, Luke and Beau all went to their mentor. Me and Jai walked into the mentor when suddenly so many eyes turned to us and little did I know that me and Jai some home managed to be holding hands, I don't think Jai realised either as he quickly let go of my hand and put his in his pocket, I have to admit I was pretty offense by the fact that Jai didn't want people to think we were going out.

After regestration we walked to our next lesson which was Drama and the head teacher still hasn't attempted to find us yet. We were all reunited again outside of our drama lesson, us three girls were getting some funny looks off of some of the girls in our class because we was with the boys.

"What are you looking at?" Kyla asked as she saw me getting uncomfortable with all the people looking at me. A few of the girls walked over to Kyla.

"Not your ugly face darlin'" Kyla raised her arm ready to punch the girl in the face me and Elli stood back and let Kyla let her anger out on her instead of us but before she reached the girls face Luke jumped in and grabbed her so she wouldn't get in any more trouble seen as we are all still in mega trouble. After the tension died down our drama teacher finally came out. Jai told me that she was always late. She invited us all in until she noticed us three girls.

"YAY! New people, are you any good at drama? Are you confident to perform?" She was so bubbly and loud a drama teacher suited her personality.

"Yeah we are confident and Drama is one of our best classes." Elli answered for all of us.

We didn't do any acting today we only learnt some boring stuff that I can't even remember now.


-Kyla x

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