Chapter 1: Their Past

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Everything was pitch black...

The only sound was heard was panting, crying, and the loud rain fall.

"Eomma!", the little raven haired boy yelled as a blood curdling  scream was heard coming from the female that was in front of him, trying to protect her pup...

But now...

All there is...

Is an Omega's body laying on the ground near her pup...

With blood pooling around her...

"Eomma!", the boy called out again as he fell to the ground and grabbed his mother's cold pale hand...

He placed her head on his lap and caressed her cheek...

" precious everything...please protect you and your seems like my time to leave has come...", the woman said as she also caressed the little boy's soft cheek...

She was smiling...

Smiling through her pain...

Like she always had...

Just for her two pups...

"N-no Eomma! Don't s-s-say that!Y-y-ou won't leave me and S-s-unoo yet,r-right?", the boy asked as he hugged his mother tightly, his ripped white shirt absorbing her crimson blood,

"I'm really s-sorry Sunghoon...E-eomma's sorry...", his mother replies, a single tear rolling down her cheek...

Her hands go limp...


And empty...

That's all the poor boy felt..


As his mother's now lifeless body laid in his arms...

"EOMMA NO!! PLEASE WAKE UP!", the boy yelled as he kissed his mother's cheek, hoping she'd wake up,

"S-s-sunghoonie...", the raven haired boy heard his little brother that was about 3 call out for him, shivering in the cold...

The 4 year old boy quickly crawls to his little brother and hugs him...

"What's happening to mommy...?"

"Shhhh..she's in a better place now Sunnie...", the 4 year old replied,

"W-will she c-come back..?",

The little boy didn't know how to answer his little brother...

He remained silent...


That was what was heard now...

The rain has stopped...

"Come on Sunnie...get on my back", the boy,Sunghoon, says as he crouches and waits for his little brother to get on his back.

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