Chapter 2

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I made my way inside the party, hoping to dance my heart out and maybe even do a little hunt too. But my thoughts soon came crashing as I found that the people were absolutely bored out of their wits, their glasses were half empty, not a good sign and no one was dancing. Maybe because the DJ was doing a shity job, playing music from the 60s.

I mean come on, who does he think we are, this is the 20st Century for goodness sake, I was literally annoyed to the max. I scanned around the pretty large hall to find a familiar face and the one in charge of it. My dear Cousin.

"Hey Danielle" I walked towards her and I could literally hear my own heels tapping on the floor and that is a sure sign of FAIL at a party to hear your own shoes, then the music or the people.

She turned around and I noticed a drink in her hand, she wasn't even of legal age to be drinking, she was only 17 and I was 2 years older then she is.

We've known each other ever since we were in primary school an Ive always called her Danny, we've been close ever since, she's sort of like the sister I've never had. I hadn't seen her in 6 weeks, since I came back from holidays. She wanted to throw a party but her parents wouldn't let her, so she blackmailed me to convince her parents that I would be there. So she obviously got the A OKAY. But I wasn't expecting for her to be drinking and these people looked about my age.

"Danielle are you drinking?" I said coming to a halt and giving her a death stare. If her parents found out, she was drinking I would be dead.

She stumbled towards me, holding her arms out and literally falling on me in a granny hug "Oh My Gosh, Chanel, Im so glad your hear, what took you so long. This party is turning out to be a major bust. Where were you?, I needed your help". Completely ignoring my question.

"Yes clearly you need my help Danny, I was caught up in traffic" I took away the drink from her and tried to steady her.

"I mean what the heck is the DJ playing and why aren't you doing something about it Danny? and I cant believe your drinking!". I said trying to lift her back up.

She was clearly to intoxicated to even stand anymore or answer me. I had to do something otherwise this poor girl would not only wake up with a massive headache but become the laughing stock of her whole school because of this party.

I sighed "I'm such a nice cousin", I said to myself, I dragged Danny towards an empty chair and sat her there, "Stay alright" I warned her. She pulled a face but ended up nodding anyway.

"Alright" I sighed again and made my way to the soon the be fired DJ. I grabbed the mic from his hands, saw a table at the centre and walked towards it.

"Alright listen up", I yelled in the Microphone, everyone shot there eyes toward me, and those outside came back in to see what was going on,

"Now lets get this party started, fill those glasses up, while I fire the DJ" It made them shout and cheer unbelievably it worked, they laughed and woo'ed as I took over the music, I guess this crowd new the party had potentially, I mean I was standing on a table shouting.

I played all the latest music, hard style, gangnam style, R&B an took requests, the party was starting to take shape, and it was only 9'o clock.


6 hours later, the party, safe to say had finished with a bang. Instead of me having a good time, I ended up babysitting her and directing people I didn't know to the bathroom. I was exhausted, good thing was that we didn't have to cleaned the hall. Thanks to my cousin, who did something right tonight, she paid for the cleaners.

No one else was in the hall except for me an her sleeping in the corner. I looked at her sleeping in an awkward position and I couldn't help but laugh at her, she was always like that, unreliable, and too little for her ag. She reminded me of a little girl. I walked towards her and woke her up, so we could go.

"Danny" I pushed her around to wake her up.

"Huh" she said groggily

"Come on lets go" I lifted her up and put her arm around me to support her. We had to go to her parents house, mine was to far away to drive too and I was too tired to even drive.


I drove to her house, while she slept in the front seat, I pulled up at the drive way and took jer out of the car, still giving her support, she was never blackmailing me again. This was so bothersome but I was glad that I was there, might something had happened to her.

We got to the door and I was ready to get a lecture of a life time from her parents. I rang the door bell, too tired to care that it was 3 in the morning or that her parents were up worried or a sleep, I just wanted to sleep too. I waited patiently for someone to open the door, but no answer, I rang it again .... nothing.

I was seriously getting annoyed, "Danny were are your parents or your brother?" I asked

"Huh I don't know" she said groggily

"What do you mean you don't know, who's at home?" I asked

She laughed as if I said something funny, she was getting on my nerves now.

"Danielle!" I whisper-yelled at her and she pointed towards a rock near the door.

I looked at her then at the rock, so I put her on the ground and lifted the rock to find the key.

"Thank you Jesus" I whispered to myself in relief that meant her parents weren't here and we were home alone, and I could also get a proper sleep without getting yelled at.

I opened the door and turned on the lights, picked her up and literally dragged her into the house as she laughed and talked to herself.

I got her upstairs took off her shoes and threw her into bed, and shoved her toward the end of her double bed, making room for me.

"Chanel you know I love you, your the best cousin ever" she laughed to herself

"uh-huh, you awe me big Danny" I said not really interested in her mumbling, all I really wanted was to have a bath and have the longest sleep ever.

I turned her room light off, and made my way to her bathroom.


It was the best bath I had ever had, I stayed in there for quiet a bit, but a nose from the hallway, caught my attention.

It must have been Danny, waking up, but just to make sure I got out, rapped my body in a towel, while my hair was dripping wet, an opened the door.

To my shock a guy was standing right in front off me and it wasn't Danny's dad or brother, but a complete stranger with his shirt off, showing off his hard 6 pack and his v-line peaking from his low shorts.

I nearly screamed but he caught my mouth with his hand and pulled my body towards him, my cold body from the bath, touched his warm and sexy body, that ignited a spark in me, for some reason i had a feeling i knew him but I couldn't put a finger on it 'relax, its too early for that" he said calmly, as he eyed me up and down and stared into my eyes, my heart was pounding in my chest from the close proximity and I think he could've literally heard it pounding. He had the lightest brown eyes I'd ever seen with a hint of green in it, that's how close i was to him and those lips of his.

We stared awkwardly at each other, not speaking for what felt like forever. Then he broke away from the moment letting go of my mouth and smirking at me, before leaving back into the dark hallway. His physique disappearing from my sight into the dark and I was left, wandering, in shock and with one question.

"Who the fuck was that?"

I couldn't sleep for the rest of the night, I had the image of his face and body made me embarrassed just thinking of it, I was eager to go back out there and find out who he was and what he was doing in this house, was he Danny's brothers friend or maybe I was just tired an hallucinated a hot and sexy hunk. But I couldn't have been, I kept hearing laughter, which sounded like boys and footsteps walking up and down the corridor, it was so tempting to just go out there and see him again but I coudn't saver the embarrassment i felt when he saw me in a towel. I guess Ill just have to wait to find out tomorrow and sure enough.

Danny had some explaining to do.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2014 ⏰

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