Your Choice

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     I took my final shakey breath as I plunged the knife into my heart, and my vision went black..

     I woke up in an unfamiliar place. I sat up and looked around.

"Huh, that's strange..I could've sworn I killed mysel-"

     I was cut off by a kind sounding voice.

"Oh, you're awake!!"

     I looked over to see a girl. Probably somewhere around 16 or 17 years old. She had on ripped black jeans and a black cloak.


"Oh my, how rude of me! Let me introduce myself! I am death! Also known as the grim reaper and so on and so forth-"

     I cut her off.

"Waiwaiwait- you're telling me, that a girl who looks like she's my age, is the grim reaper??? I thought you'd look more scary, you know, more like...death??"

     She just smiled at me and giggled.

"Yeah, I get that a lot. But that death that you are talking about, is my father!"

"Oooohhh, yeah. That makes more sense now."


     We sat there in an awkward silence for what felt like forever until she chimed in with

"So, what's your choice?"


"Your choice! You know, do you want to go to heaven or do you want to go to hell?..did you not know that?"

     I looked at her confused and shouted

"Of course I didn't know!! Literally nobody knows! We all think that it's some devine persons choice on where we go."

"Oh- well, that's weird. Well basically, this is the place you get to choose on where you want to go, heaven or hell."

     I sat there and thought about it "where do I want to go?" It wasn't a thing I had ever really thought of before. I'm gonna go to hell just for the laughs. I snickered and responded with

"I want to go to hell."

     Death smiled at me and beamed 

"Excellent choice!"

     I stood there very confused and right as I was about to say something she shoved me through a doorway labeled "Hell"  and there I was,, in hell. I stood there for a moment, wondering what I should do. As I took a step I heard a loud voice, which I assumed to be Satans saying


     I looked over and saw him. I smiled nervously and trembled

"A- a friend?"

"Why yes a friend silly! What did you think I was gonna do? Torture you like it says in all the books?? No! I want someone to party with, laugh with, have fun with! You know, a friend!"

     I smiled happily and joined him "finally, someone who cares for me!"

"I will gladly be your friend."

     We both smiled at each other and went on our way to have eternal fun.

Hey there! I hope you enjoyed this short story I made! I decided to look for writing prompts and I came across this very fun one! Please don't bash on me for making Satan a good guy, I just wanted to change things up and make it fun. I understand there might be Christians out there but please understand that I write this stuff for fun!There will be more stories coming up soon!

-Amata Noctifer

Short Stories By @X_Spoopy_X Where stories live. Discover now