34. boss

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I stared at the image in front of me. I liked the design, heck I had designed it myself and I knew, and still hoped, Bram would like it. The door to the office was pushed open and I quickly close the tab I was staring at.

"Why do you look scared?" J asked as he walked into the office.

"I thought it was Bram."

J chuckled as he takes his seat. "You do know you're a mafia boss right?" he asked, cackling out loud. I narrowed my eyes at my friend and second in command. He placed a stack of paper in front of me and I picked it.

"I am but Bram made me promise not to buy him anything for two weeks." I said, resisting the urge to sigh.  And the two weeks were almost up, just a couple more days to go.

"I thought he took your card?"

"You do remember I have more than one? And I have enough cash stacked in this house." I said as I flipped through the documents. "And four warehouses with money stacked in them as well as jewellery."

"Ah yes. Those." J said, nodding. "I should probably tell him about those."

"You're my friend." I said, my tone shocked.

"And I am Bram's friend too."

"You were my friend first." I said, waving the documents at him. If he keeps this up, I will send him on patrol and give him so much paper work, he'd be finding paper stuck in places they shouldn't be.  J just laughed like it was the funniest thing he had ever said and it made me seriously want to punch the guy.

We talked business for a while, talking supply, sales, members of the family who did extremely well in the last quarter so I'll know who to give the bonuses to.

"William is still down there."

"I still don't think he has had enough." I said, tapping away on the computer and pulling up the image I had been looking for. William hasn't seen the sun since he had been pushed into the basement by J. he was the mob's stress reliever. If they needed something to kick or beat their frustration out on, he's on the receiving end of it.

He has been here for days now and yeah, I could let him go but he might have this silly idea about getting back to Bram or looking for him. So I'll pay him one last visit and see. It depends on my mood, so he should really not make me angry. That, never ends well.

"So.... What were you staring at?"

I turned the screen towards him and his eyes got so wide. "You're giving him that?"

"Yeah. Designed it myself and everything."

"He's gonna love it." J said, leaning over the table to get a closer look. He mouths the words wow and I feel so proud. "It's gonna be here tomorrow?" J asked and I nodded. I couldn't wait to get my hands on it and actually see it. I couldn't wait to give it to Bram. I couldn't wait to see his reaction.

The door to the office was pushed open again and myh hand moved so quickly, taking down the page I had been staring at. Bram rushed towards me, giggling, his hair falling into his face.

"What have I told you about running, little prince?" I asked as Bram clambered onto my lap, straddling me and pushing his face right in front of mine, so I could see his big smile.

"Hi, daddy."

"Hi, baby boy." I said, running my fingers through his hair. His curls were so soft and it smelt incredible. My prince was dressed in blue shirt and matching bottoms with peter rabbit all over it, socks and fluffy slippers. He looked absolutely adorable. He was and is the most adorable little in the world. In my humble opinion.

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