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Your pov:
After diving throw the fridge and cabinet for what felt like hours, you finally started to look in the freezer and thank god you did!
"Hey Eridan! I found some waffles :D!"
You yelled to the sea dweller sitting on the couch
"W-what are w-waffles?" You couldent help but giggle at his accent and the double w's an v's made it so perfect.
"They are amazing you have to try them!" You felt his presence behind you as four delious circles got put in the toaster.
After running in circles around your guest grabbing plates,syrup,butter and silverware, you finally stopped and stared at the toaster.
"W-what the fuck are you doing?"
"I'm trying not to flinch."You starred harder waiting for the waffles to pop up. When they popped up a few seconds later you nearly had a heart attack. with a sign you pulled them out and put them on the plates.
"Do you want any syrup?"
"W-what the fuck is syrup?" '
You let out a small gasp
"*gasp* you don't know what syrup is!?"
"Here let me see your hand."
"W-what? W-why?"
"Just let me see it Ampora." you say keeping a perfect poker face. he gave you his hand, you flatted it out and put a drop of syrup on his finger.
"W-what the fuck am I supos-" cutting him off quickly you said
"Shoosh just try it."
He licked the finger you put syrup on. you found yourself blushing to the point where you had to turn away. were you flushed for this troll? No - well maybe nah you defiantly were flushed for him.
But you the same species, was that ok? Well Rose is matesprite's with Kanyna so it must be ok. [*sorry I ship it*]
"Hey uh... (Y/n)?"
"Hmm?" You turned from putting syrup on both of your waffles.
"I was w-wonderin if maybe w-would you like to be w-well "
You silently prayed that he was going to say a Certain ma word.
"W-would you like to be my moirail?"
Well it's not exactly what you wanted but it was quite close. Maybe you could warm up to him and then he would ask.
You quickly realize he was waiting for you to respond.
"I I ... I would love to." curse your stuttering.
You handed him the small plate of waffles.
"Here are your w-waffles, your highness. "
You said copying his accent and giving him a wink.
You both are the waffles, Eridan said he had to leave but he would msg you on trollian.
You couldn't wait for that chat.

Eridan x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now