Jealous? (a harry syles fan fiction)

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chapter 1

I grabbed my sony x headphones, phone, and raybans. I guess u can call me rich but eh i dont think so. My dad is a music producer and my mom is a fasion designer. My mom and dad are devorced and i just moved out of my moms house. NOw i live alone in a beach house in malibu california though Im kinda scared of tsunamis. I walked out the door meeted by the smell of the sea. I walked over near the water and sat down. I started listening to rock me by one direction. GOsh i love them alot. It started to get hot so i walked back to my house and changed in to my bathing suit. I grabbed my towel and left my phone and headphones on the kitchen table. I ran outside all the way down to the water. I started swimming.

After along time of swimming i dried myself off and went back inside my house. I changed into a peach crop top and booty shorts. I went into the living room and was greeted by a huge grand piano.  I only like playing piano when im in the mood. So i grabbed my camera and tripod then i started to video myself playing the piano and singing they dont know about us. Im just learning to play litttle things on the guitar and im not very good. I stopped playing the piano and sat down on my couch. I got my phone out and checked instagram. OH look one direction is here in malibu today! I was bored so i decided to walk to starbucks.

i was listening to my ipod when    I bumped into someone..


cliff hanger sorry for the extremly short chapter lol

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