Chapter 1

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Price To Pay

"That's it for today but before you guys leave. I've posted videos and other study material on the Mytutor platform... It's imperative that you study hard for the second semester test since test 1 grilled majority of the class. Have a great day, see you on Thurs- …and I'd like to see the class representatives for 5min after the session"

Students packed their books almost instantaneously and made a gradual exit out of the classroom.

That's Mr Zungu. My economics teacher, apparently it's "lecturer" when you get to varsity. I need to get used to these terms. Anyway, he's always been my crush, since I first saw him during Orientation week. Student orientation or new student orientation (often encapsulated into an Orientation week, Welcome Week or Freshers' Week) is a period before the start of an academic year at a university or tertiary institutions. A variety of events are held to orient and welcome new students during this period.  So stuff members such as the Dean of the campus, lecturers, social workers among others. Mr Zungu or Lecturer bae as I would like to call him, also took to the podium to speak about the economics department and its functions and also touched on other boring topics that I and my fellow first years cared less about. I had my eyes on my phone the entire time as he spoke, as soon as I lifted my head I fell in love instantly. I disregarded my phone and the annoying guy sitting next to me and gave him all my attention.

This is week 2 of first semester and I'm really getting sick of varsity life. I mean, the fact that we have to attend from 8am to 5pm everyday just because we're first years. Gosh high school was a lot better, I bunked most of the classes but at least I was smart. Can't say the same for my entourage, majority passed with Hs and some didn't even appear on the paper. I got 4 distinctions in Afrikaans, Hospitality, Tourism and English.
I actually wanted to study Travel & Tourism but ended up choosing Finance ‘cause Siya said there's a lot of money there..

I decided to run for Class rep since it would draw me closer to Lecturer Bae. I know he's also eyeing me, gape ka nyisa (I’m drop-dead gorgeous) guys. I see all these thirsty boys on campus staring at my ass and going crazy over my beauty. But really, I don't date varsity boys, they are broke. I don't want to be wined and dined in some backroom or at res. I have standards guys.
After the class was empty, the class representatives went over to Mr Zungu. We had just recently secured our positions. It's me, Naomi and some Venda guy with a name I couldn’t even pronounce.

"I might not make it for the Thursday class but I'll confirm with you guys on the WhatsApp group."
I couldn't help but fantasize about me and him in a fancy hotel, somewhere in Sandton, fucking the brains out of each other. Inebriated from expensive champagnes such as Moet, Ace of Spades or Vueve Cliquet.

He was staring at me the whole time while he spoke. It kind of made me nervous and uncomfortable but I liked it, it actually assured me he's paying attention. I'm pretty sure it's the outfit, my boobs are leaping out and this Legit skirt is just Wow. He's definitely into to me, it's a matter of time before he makes a move.

We make our way out of the lecture hall. From the corner of my eye, I could still feel his piercing gaze but I just ignore it. My friend Siya, the gayest guy on campus, is waiting for me outside so I walk up to her.

"Shuu aowa chomie it's so packed in the Finance class, I'm not about to fetch a chair and sit in front of the class like a naughty child in primary school ake gafi (I’m not crazy)"

"Mara Chomie we have a test next week Friday and sir said this tutorial e tlo re thusa (it will be helpful), I mean we haven't been attending that much and it's for this very reason"

"Well, marata skolo (book warm) go attend I'm going to get some food from stuff cafe. You'll find me there go fetsa (when you’re done) tah tah" She proceeded to blow a kiss in the air and walked away.

I was so keen to go with her Mara today's lesson is the most important. Kamo I don't know anybody besides Siya. If I don't go, how will I get the scope of work they'd covered during the session. Eish.

I decide to attend but upon arriving at the venue, it was so packed and the only space available was by the lecturer's pull pit. I decided to join my dear friend instead.

"Hawu Chomie and then?" She asked.

"It's too packed I couldn’t even breath in there. We should go to the department to get the question papers they worked on." I suggested.


"Chomie I think lecturer bae wants me" I said excitedly.

"Ora Zungu? Chomie that guy is bad news I can fill it in the core of my spinal cord"

"Lol you don't even know him, except that he's our lecturer, he always looks good, and drives a nice car. I'm sure he's a spender that one, unlike these broke guys I've been dating"

"Chomie which other junior lecturer drives such a fancy car. His car can buy all the cars on the parking lot. Doesn't that raise suspicion?"

"Maybe he's a business man on the side hawu stop being dramatic" I said rolling my eyes.

"Mmmh, let's hope you're right. What if he's a gangster"

"Well then he's the most handsome gangster I've ever seen my chom. We'll be singing "Gangster Love" on our way back from robbing a bank or something..."

We both laughed and carried on thirsting over different lecturers and debating which could be good in bed. It was always a vibe when I was with my friend. We spoke about any and everything, she's beautiful and is such just a happy soul. We met during registration week. And we clicked instantly as if we our friendship was premeditated by Fara God. She's a fashionista like I am. She stays at a fancy accommodation in Pretoria west while I stay at the raggedy res on campus. I expected way better than this for accommodation, oh well I guess I'll take what I can get.

Siya would visit me on the weekends and we'd chill in my room and smoke hubbly and sometimes drink Savanna. We didn't even care if Ausi Gladys, our res manager, walked in on us. My roommates didn't seem to vibe with her since they thought she was "too extra". I loved her the way she is though.

I always wondered why Siya was so jolly, coz you know what they say, the happiest people are usually broken or slowly dying inside. When she told me about her past I was so touched, I even cried cause I couldn't imagine going through such hurdles and surviving.
She suffered discrimination her whole life. Her father beat her mercilessly when she came out, and eventually disowned her. He even went as far as blaming her mother for bringing such a disgrace to his family.

Her mother passed on a year later when Siya was only 15. Her uncle, who also hated Siya took ownership of the house and chased Siya out in the streets. She decided to sell her body so could make ends meet. As time went by, she was taken in by a club owner and she worked at the club as a stripper. And that's how she survives till this day. At least she doesn't have to worry about tuition fees, since she's using NSFAS.

I checked my phone and realized I received a text from an unsaved number. It was Lecturer bae. I didn't know how to react, I mean it's just 'Hi' so it's probably not a big deal right?

"I hope you're well. Have you shared the message with the students?"

I'm wondering why he didn't ask in the class rep group chat. Instead of texting me privately. Of course I didn't mind.

"I'm well thanks. Yes I've briefed them" I texted back.

I don't know how we ended up talking about sex. Bear in mind, your girl is still a virgin at this point.  I couldn’t handle such. Yes, I have a dirty mind but that’s obviously because I’m curious. I was literally on the phone for 2 hours straight. My nosey Roomzas (Roommates) kept giving me weird looks as if I'd share my private life with them.
He eventually asked me to come to his office early in the morning before my first class. I just agreed without asking why.

I decided to call Siya and share some mgozi (gossip) with her. It's 2am, I hope he's still up.
Lol, my friend never ceases to dramatize every situation, big or small. I laughed throughout our half an hour long conversation. We even forgot we had class at 8am.

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