Chapter 10 - Old Boyfriend, New Enemy

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Seventeen March 2013, Author's Note: As previously stated, I am writng this story in conjecture with @maxaxr. Ifyou want  alink to his story or profile page, it can be found in the comments below. As always, I am completely open to suggestions or criticism, or whatever it is you feel like telling me. The only hope that I have for this story is that people will read it and enjoy it. Thank you and good evening.


Early Morning, November 24, 2011

We walked into the kitchen and saw, to my surprise and Sapphire's horror, a man we recognized jumping out of the window. Sebastian. And he had brought a guest with him. It was Ash. Ash Leclair. My first, and only, boyfriend.

"Stop," yelled Sapphire, rushing forward in an attempt to stop him from fleeing.

I, however, stood frozen on the spot, lost in old memories, old pains, that all came rushing in at once, as bad, or possibly even worse than they had been the first time. You know how people tell you, "Oh, honey, I know that it hurts now, but wait a while, it will get better eventually." Yeah, no. That didn't happen for me. Sure, it was easier to bear after a while, but after seeing him again it all came back, in full force, to suffocate me.

But that didn't stop me for long.

It didn't stop Ash either. In fact, he seemed completely unphased. I shouldn't have noticed, but I did. I shouldn't have cared, but I did. I think it was because I wasn't really over him. I'd never really gotten over him. Seeing him made me angry. Seeing him like this; happy, whole, uncaring, made me a thousand times more so than I would have been.

It stirred up a hatred in me, not cold and controlled like it had been with my mother. No, this hatred boiled inside of me. Made me want to do something. Not precise and carefully planned out like it would normally be, but a quick, irrational thing that probably wouldn't do me any good in the long run. I didn't really care at that point. All I wanted was to lash out, make him feel something of the pain I'd been feeling so long. Because as ineffectual as it would be in the long run, it sure as hell would feel good not to be on the receiving end for once.

 Of course, that type of a wish can only be fulfilled through harsh words and/or violent actions.

Which is exactly what I did.

I walked up to him, slapped him across the face, then left. It gave me immense satisfaction, though it was fleeting. I would need time to really get back at him. And, most of all, I would need time to get over him.


Ash's P.O.V.

 When I first saw her, I was surprised. I mean, yes, I knew that that might happen, and that I would have to see her again eventually, but that didn't make it any easier to keep my face neutral, to keep my face from showing how shocked, then happy, then ashamed I was to see her again.

I was so caught up in my own thoughts, in trying to keep myself from rushing forward toward her, from telling her that I was sorry, that I was taken completely off guard by her slap. And though Anne has never really been a physical person, her slaps hurt.

I saw stars. By the time my vision cleared, she had already left. Leaving me alone with Sapphire. I hadn't even noticed she was there. And she was pissed.

"Okay, I know what this looks like, but-"

"Save it for someone who cares."

"Look, I just want to-"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2013 ⏰

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