(Chapter Two: Dahlia)

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Morning came shortly afterwards. Sunlight shone down from the glass entrium, entrapping Dahlia in a glowing radiance. Her slightly wavy curls spiralled amongst her pillow, giving her an imaginary halo.

A black cat with a white snout and paws laid against her chest, purring as Dahlia pet its raven fur. Alfred, was its name. Dahlia found the little creature as a stray that had found its way into the palace's many gardens. After watching it slaughter and eat a songbird, Dahlia decided to take it, claiming it had 'potential.'

Dahlia's emerald eyes glimmered in the light. Faint traces of a smile appeared on her face when Alfred let out a mewling yawn, stretching as far as he could. Scratching behind his ears, Dahlia stopped once she heard her door open and close behind her.

"Dahlia - are you awake?" her mother, Talia, walked up to her bed.

Alfred peeked up, immediately hissing when his black eyes met with Talia's.

"Alfred," Dahlia sternly said. The cat growled, returning to Dahlia's side.

"That cat is never going to like me, is she?"

"HE. Alfred seems to not trust you. He is more comfortable with me than anyone else. What brings you here this early in the morning, mother? I thought you were with Grandfather. Is there something you need?" Dahlia sat up, sliding off her bed to stand before Talia.

"I just wanted to see if you were back. I checked for you last night, but you weren't in bed."

"I was with Alfred in the gardens. He continuously scratches at the balcony doors if I don't let him out. He came back while I was sleeping and sat on my chest until I followed him. He wanted to show me the mouse he caught."

"Oh. I was afraid someone had done something to you."

"They would have been dead by now," Dahlia deadpanned, turning around to pick up Alfred. "It was nice seeing you, Mother. I'll be in my bathing quarters. I didn't get a chance to bathe after returning from the gardens last night."

Alfred purred - one of his favorite places to wreak havoc was Dahlia's private bathing chambers. Dumping all the soaps into the water at once, nearly drowning, rolling around in the dirt before leaping in while Dahlia attempted to relax.

The guards nodded to Dahlia as she passed.

Opening and sliding through the open doors, she closed and locked them behind her. Alfred immediately took to the perch made specially for him. Dahlia quickly undressed, wrapping herself in a bathrobe, walking towards the tub that took up most of the entry half of the room.

Further into the large chamber, another tub, which was covered with a wooden board. Next to it, an empty pit meant for relaxing. In it, a basket filled with essential oils and containers of facial and bodily products sat atop a stack of fresh towels.

She went down the stairs to her bath, unraveling the ties that held her robe together. The moment the water touched her knees, Dahlia tore off her robe, plunging into the warm water (prepped earlier by the maids).

Her hair floated around, sticking to her back when she came up for air.

Alfred was sitting on the edge, meowing. Dahlia moved towards him, resting her head in her arms. Dahlia reached a hand out, flicking water at Alfred. He jumped back in shock, hissing in annoyance. A smirk lingered on her lips.

"I don't suppose you wish to accompany me to see Marinette," Dahlia shuffled, back to the tub edge. Grabbing all her hair at once, she dragged the wet locks off her back and over her left shoulder. Alfred did the honors of adding the soup, by swatting the nearest bottle in.

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