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I hugged my mom tightly and when I let go she kissed my forehead. "Did you have fun?" She asked me and Kate after giving Kate two kisses on her cheeks.

"Yea" Kate says and I smile at her.

"Are you sad?" She asks oke and I nod. I was very very upset but my mom was asking me about Andy.

"Well, he will be home soon and so will your father, so come on in and help me with dinner" she says and me and Kate roll our eyes.

"Can we just order pizza?" Me and Kate ask at the same time.

"Fine, but you two better get home work done and clean your rooms" she says and walks into the house. I follow her and run upstairs to my room. I walked in and locked the door. I walked over to my stereo and put on Not The American Average by Asking Alexandria. I know how much my mom likes this song.

"You seem to be happy" a familiar voice says to me. I turn around and seen a very familiar figure. My music volume got higher as soon as I started screaming.

"You are annoying sometimes" he says in my head and my screaming stops and my music shuts off. I tried to scream more but I couldn't open my mouth. I ran to my bathroom, in my room, and looked in the mirror. I wanted to scream even more. My mouth was gone. All that was there was skin.

"What the fuck?" I asked him in my mind.

"Well I'm gonna talk with you and I need you to be completely silent" he says and I turn around and walk back into my room and walk over to my bed, passing him.

"Go ahead" I say to him in my head.

"Well your gonna be my soul in the Slender Realm and I am sick of this whole dumbass attitude. Your already mine and I'm gonna have you. In the after life me and you are gonna be together for the rest of eternity so we should be friends" he says and I roll my eyes.

"Friends? With you? Fuck no" I.say.

"I'll go pick another friend of yours to kill I guess. Still gotta kill one for flipping me off" he says and vanishes.


"No! Please hurt me not some one else?" I scream and them I run in the bathroom and to the mirror and look at my mouth. I actually had one.

"Shaylee?" I hear my dad say.

"In here" I whisper. I felt way to sick to walk. I stumbled over to the toilet and fell to the toilet and threw up the pancakes I had this morning. That's all I remember.

Austin Carlile (Shaylee's dad)

I heard her vomit then I heard a banging sound. The door somehow unlocked and opened by itself but I didn't care I only cared about my daughter. I ran in and went straight to the bathroom.

"CALL AN AMBULANCE" I scream when I see Shaylee on the ground. With blood pouring out of her head, not breathing.



Hopefully you liked this chapter and the next chapter is gonna be longer I promise I'm gonna start working on it now actually. :)


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