Chapter 2: Hidden Leaf village

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Kei's P.O.V

I have been traveling to the Hidden leaf village for five days now. It usually only takes only three days to get to the Hidden Leaf village from the Hidden Sand, but with me only being seven years old, it was taking me longer, plus I had to wait out a sandstorm in the desert.

I was starting to get very exhausted from all of this walking, but I needed to get to the Hidden Leaf village if I wanted to know about my father and where to find him.

'I just hope leaving the Hidden Sand village was the right idea. I didn't really talk to anyone in the Hidden sand village except for Gaara sometimes. Plus, I don't even know how much information the Hidden Leaf villages have on my father, Orochimaru.'


After a few more hours of walking, I could finally see the gate of the Hidden Leaf village in view, but I could myself about ready to pass out as I walked closer to the gate.

I shook my head, trying to keep myself from passing out from exhaustion, but it wasn't working, and I collapsed to the ground.

'Looks like I just have to rest here for a little bit. Maybe someone will notice me and bring me inside of the village.' I thought as everything started to go back.

"Hey, kid, are you okay?" I heard a voice ask before losing consciousness from exhaustion.


When I opened my eyes, I was greeted by a bright white light.

'I must be in a hospital because this doesn't look like I'm outside near the village gate where I passed out.' I thought.

"Someone must have found me near the village gate after all," I said, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

I then heard the door open and saw an old man wearing a robe walk inside the hospital room.

'That must be the Hokage.'

"I see you are awake," he said, smiling at me.

"Um, yeah, but how did I get here?" I asked.

"The chunin in charge of the gate found you passed out near the gate right when they were starting gate duty for the day," he replied.


"Anyway, child, what is your name?"

"Sure, my is Kei Misaki."

"Misaki, it has been a while met someone from that clan." 

'That makes sense. My mother told me that most of the clan was dead and was originally from the Hidden Steam village. I don't know what happened to the clan except that someone killed them because they feared are Kekkei Genkai.'

I snapped out my thoughts as the Hokage spoke again.

"Where exactly are you from?"

"I'm from the Hidden Sand Village."

"What exactly are you doing here and not back in the Hidden Sand?"

"If you look in my bag, you should find a note in my pocket explaining why I came here."

The Hokage looked over at my bag that was sitting in a chair next to the wall. Then walked over to my bag and grabbed the note my mother wrote before her death.

The Hokage read the note and looked at me with what looked like surprise.

"I knew you reminded me of someone," he said. "So you came here look for information on where to find your father?" He asked.

"Yeah, so you know him?" I asked.

"Yes, he was my student, but I don't know where he is since he left the village and began a rogue," he said.

'Now what? They don't know where he is. I never find him without a clue on where to go.'

"I see. I was hoping to find him so I could live with the only family I had left. Plus, I always dream of meeting my father," I said, upset that I wouldn't be able to meet my father.

"I'm sorry I couldn't help you find him, but I can give you a new home here if you want."


"Yes, my child."

"I guess that's better than nothing. At least I can learn about my father's old home village. Also, is it possible to join the Ninja academy? I was enrolled in the academy back in my old village?"

"Of course, you can be enrolled into the Academy," he said. "You are probably still exhausted, so I'll let you ret some more while I get you enrolled in the academy and find a place for you to live."

"Alright," I said, laying back down on my hospital bed. "Also, thanks for letting me stay. It sucks I probably won't ever meet my father, but at least I know where he is from."

The Hokage smiled at me before walking out of my hospital room.

'Father, where are you, and would you even be happy to meet me and the child you created only because you and mom were drunk.' I thought, drifting off to sleep.


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Q: How do you think Orochimaru will react to meeting his daughter?

Q: What do you hope to see happen throughout this story.

Q: Where do you think Kei will end up living?

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