23 - Better Watch Out

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As Taehyung walked around the silent house his mind was only thinking about one thing and one thing only.

That person.

Why did they scare him so much? He wasn't too sure.

Maybe it was because they reminded him of his father? Maybe they just had an off putting vibe.

But whatever it was, he didn't like it, not one bit.

He decided to just sit in the living room, try relax his mind maybe. Anything for him to not think of that person.

He wasn't even too sure what gender they were, yes, they had a husky voice, but that had sort of a feminine figure from what he could tell.

He heard creaks behind him, but every time he looked back no one was there. He was scared.

Really scared.

He didn't know what to do, he couldn't find anything to contact the other six, he couldn't see a maid or anything in sight to contact them.

He didn't know what to do.

He was so scared.

He heard whispers behind him, he heard footsteps, but no one was there.

"Whoever is there, just show yourself! " He shouted. Getting so scared, he couldn't fight, he was too weak.

Where was V?!

He started panicking, oh no.

A panic attack was coming along.

He's never taught himself to pull himself out of a panic attack.

V always helped with that, even when V wasn't too fond of the boy.

'You're so weak..'
''Maybe if you went back to your father.. he'd make you stronger..'
'He was helping you Taehyung! Don't you understand?!'
'Just go back to him..'

Van's words filling his head... out of all times, why was Van the one that was close.

He could only hear the words ringing his ears.

He couldn't breathe.
He couldn't see.

He was screaming for help, he didn't know what to do. He heard laughing, someone was laughing at him, this made him freeze, someone was laughing at him.

He felt so weak, someone was laughing at him, he couldn't see who, he couldn't see who it was. He was so scared.

"P-please help.." The poor boy sobbed, still covering his ears, trying to cancel out any unwanted noise, such as Van's words and the laughing.

Taehyung was very aware he couldn't get rid of Van's words from just covering his ears, Van's words was in his head. He couldn't cancel that out.

"Oh poor.. poor Taehyungie.." he heard next to him, still not being able to see he started screaming. He didn't know what else to do other than that.

Why did they all go out today? Did they set him up? No.. they'd never do that.. right?

"So, so vulnerable.. I could take you right now if I wanted to.. but seeing you suffer a bit longer is a lot more fun" Taehyung was now sure, this was a man.

The voice was familiar, actually, but he couldn't put his finger on it. He didn't know who it was, but he was sure he's heard it somewhere.

Taehyung moved back as far as he could, away from said person until he hit his back on the table. "Oh little Taehyungie.. you're not going to get far.. I can't wait until everything falls back into plan again.." He heard the male whisper.

"You better watch out" The person slapped him in his face, making him fall to the ground, knocked out cold.

Yes, it was only a slap, but he was so physically and mentally weak he couldn't help it, the impact just knocked him out completely.

Had they set him up?

Did they really not care?

Was it part of their plan?

For him to fall for them and they'd set him up?

Word Count: 625

[yes i accidentally published this earlier today, my bad]

are these frequent updates okay? or would you rather gaps in between?

am i 3 days behind on school work and skipping all my zoom calls bc i have no motivation to do and attend any of them? yes. yes i am.

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