My foot was in a wall...

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In which Tom breaks his foot

Word count: 595

Warnings: cute fluff, swearing


Tom: 22     Harrison: 22   

2:39am in South West London, England

December 25th 2018


"Ah fuck!!"

Tom yelled as he wok eup to his foot being stuck in the wall. He was currently at his parents house for christmas. But you see, Tom has this bad habit of kicking things in his sleep no matter what it is. Doors, walls, blankets, pillows, siblings, matresses, Tessa, Harrison, you name it he's kicked it.

Dominic Holland ran into his eldest sons room to find him holding his left food in pain. He walked over and helped him to sit up before gently touching his foot to see if it was broken. Even at the slight touch of his fathers fingers Tom yelped in pain as severe pain shot through his body. Paddy, Sam, and Harry all stumbled out into the hallway.

"What happened?" Harry questioned as he rubbed his eyes having been woken up by his brother.

"He broke his foot, I already know it. Sam go tell your mother I'm taking him to the hospital. Paddy go get a pair of crutches. Harry go get an ice pack." Dom instructed his other 3 sons.

The three boys all went in their separate directions and soon enough Tom and Dom were at the hospital waiting in the ER for Tom's xrays to come back. After millions of apologies from Tom, the doctor finally came back with the results;

"Well good news, you can go home once we get you in a cast. Bad news is that you have one full fracture and two hairline fractures. You will be in a cast for at least eight weeks and out of work for at least 9 weeks." The doctor said before leaving and letting a nurse come in and put a cast on Tom's foot.

"Are you wanting a colour on it or just plain white?" The nurse asked with a gentle tone.

"Could I have a red cast?" The young actor asked with his sleepy voice. The nurse nodded and within about 15 minutes Tom was laying on the couch on his phone with his foot in the air. Knowing the 6 hour time difference and knowing it was only 11pm in Ohio he decided to text the Russo bros.

'Hey so I have some bad news. I ended up putting my foot through a wall during my sleep and have 3 fractures and cant work for at least 9 weeks...'

Tom hit send and wasn't expecting a message back right away but instead he watched the front door open and his best friend, and boyfriend, walk in.

"Hazza? The hell are you doing here? It's literally 4am?"

"Paddy texted me and told me you went to the hospital so I waited up for the car to come back and well here I am." Harrison said as he dropped his coat on the floor and come over to Tom "The family is still asleep so I can stay for a bit." He sat in front of the smaller lad and held his hand "Mind explaining what happened baby?"

"Well I was sleeping and then my foot was in a wall..."

Harrison chuckled as Tom turned red "Oh T you and you're weird habits." He smiled as he grabbed a sharpie and began to draw the spider man logo on Toms cast."

The two boy stayed downstairs and talked quietly until Tom started speaking gibberish and fell asleep while holding Harrison's hand

"Goodnight baby. I love you" The man said and kissed Toms head before getting up and moving over to the other couch and falling asleep himself.


Alrighty roo! There is my first ever oneshot. Please let me know what I can improve on, with, or change and I will be writing up a request page for this book so please keep an eye out for that.

Did you eat and drink water? Did you do your homework? Have you showered or gotten out of bed yet? 

I love you all very much, 'till next time my raindrops 

-Rain :)

Tom Holland X Harrison Osterfeild ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now