January 23rd 2020 Today I saw the fattest squirrel I ever saw in my life.

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While I wrote my note of the day I smiled to myself. I loved having random bits of information to post around school. I've been doing this for about a week now. Every time I would have something happened I would put it on post-it notes. I went to the dollar store and bought every color post-it they had. I had a whole box full of them. Every night I would write down something that happened, and then put them around school. Nobody has said anything about them yet, even if people did notice, or care, they would never suspect me. I am just the quiet nobody who blended in.

I wrote out about 30 of these notes on different color post-its and put them in my bag for school later. Doing an internship at the school library meant that I had to be at school a half hour early to help Mrs. Ray. That gives me plenty of time to stick up the notes before students get there in the mornings.

I look up at the clock sitting on my desk and see that it is 6 o'clock. I don't have to leave for another hour so I take my time going through my closet to pick out my outfit for the day. The schools dress code isn't strict but I don't like taking advantage of it like some of the other girls do. I pick out my favorite pair of worn ripped up jeans, my favorite pair of plain brown work boots, and my camouflage sweatshirt that I got for Christmas last year. I inspect myself in the mirror and am satisfied with what I see. I'm not the best looking but I'm not too bad. I have a nice body. Not too skinny, a good straight nose, big brown eyes, and long brown hair that no matter what I do always manages to have a slight wave to it. I take one last look in the mirror and then head downstairs to the kitchen to talk to mom and eat breakfast before I have to leave.

As I walk down the stairs to head into the kitchen I hear mom singing along to an old "Bad Company" song that she loved. Mom is always singing some old song. She really did have a pretty voice she just never went anywhere with her singing. She sang in clubs with a band her and my father had together, but then she got pregnant and dad left her. Ever since then she's been living here in the house she inherited from my grandma. Only singing while she cooks or when she drinks too much.

She looked up when she heard me come downstairs. "Don't you know that you are a shooting star?" She sung to me.

"Please, don't sing this morning. I don't need any songs stuck in my head all day. I got two tests to take. I need to concentrate." I sat down at our old beat up kitchen table on the chair that had a wobbly leg. Our whole house is falling apart but we really don't have money to buy better things.

"Oh lighten up! You never failed a test before. Just sing a little, live a little, and have fun." She kept singing as she put a plate of eggs and bacon in front of me. She never did understand how important school is to me. It is my one ticket out of here. I push the eggs around with my fork just staring at it not feeling very hungry.

"MOM! You don't understand. I never fail because I don't let myself become distracted." Annoyed at mom I hurry to eat a few bites of egg and grab the bacon to go and then I dart out of the door as fast as possible to head towards my jeep at the end of the driveway.

By the time I get to my jeep I realized that it is only 6:15. I didn't really need to leave to go to school for another 45 minutes.

I drove around town for a few minutes stopping at the local gas n go to pick up a large coffee and water for later in the day. It took only 10 minutes to get here and it will only take another 10 minutes to get to school. I just decide that I'll show up earlier than usual for school. The few extra minutes could help with putting up my post-its.

I pull up to the school and it's almost empty. Just a few administrators here early get ready to start the day. I walk in the school and go straight to the library. The halls are quiet and I can hear the soft thump of my shoes on the floor. It's in a way peaceful to be alone. But somehow also unsettling

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2020 ⏰

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