🐚Welcome to The Oceanic Community!🐚
We are currently hiring! You can join our marine world where we hold various awards, and run services such as our book club, graphic and review shop.
Take a peek inside to know our community guidelines, and rul...
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Welcome to The Oceanic Community!
We are so happy that you found us!
The Oceanic Community is a platform for writers and readers to interact. We not only host writing contests, graphic contests, and awards, but also offer services through our editing shops, review shops, book club, and much more!
We communicate majorly through Discord so that is a must to join!
The positions that we currently have are listed below. Please note that you can only apply for two roles at the max.
1) Designer Dolphins
2) Plankton Promoters
3) Eel Editors
4) Jellyfish Judges
5) Writer Whales
6) Isopod Interviewers
7) Reviewer Rays
8) Anchovy Award Hosts
9) Coral Catalogers
10) Supervisors Sharks - To be earned. We will keep close watch and select the most deserving member!