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Soon, lessons were staring again and you had no choice but to leave your dorm. 

Draco would owl you everyday, asking if you were okay or if you ate that day. The thought made you smile and you kept every single one of his notes, being sure to respond as quick as possible. It was comforting knowing that you finally had someone there, if you really needed it, of course. 

It was odd though, whenever you went down to the common room every now and the, people would look at you as they exchanged whispers across the room. Cho has been particularly quiet around you lately, but Luna is still her normal self, talking to you often and asking you about your day. There was no way that they were talking about your mother passing, that's for sure. 

Today is the first day back to classes and you weren't ready. You stare at your reflection in the mirror for almost ten minutes straight, trying to figure out what about your appearance seemed wrong. Something felt off about today. It could just be the nerves of facing the people you've been avoiding for nearly a week, or it's the nagging voice in the back of your head reminding you of how your life's been going. 

A knock comes from the outside of the door followed by a soft voice.

"Are you ready to leave? Breakfast starts soon." Luna calls from the other side.

"Yeah, coming." you respond, taking one last look at yourself before swinging the door open.

The two of you begin your way down the stairs and in the direction of the Great Hall. 

The stares and whispering out here were way worse than the ones in the common room. It felt like every student you passed was looking directly at you, and you only. No matter what house they were in, they were definitely talking about you.

When you walked into the Great Hall, your eyes were directed at the floor, almost as if it would come out from under you if you looked away. It was unbearable. You've never been the center of attention, nor did you enjoy it now. 

Sitting down at your table in your usual spot, Kace and Cho across from you and Luna. The two were engaged in a conversation up until the moment you sat down next to Luna. Everyone around you went silent.

"So, how was everyone's Christmas?" you ask, making an effort to start a conversation.

"Apparently not as good as yours." Kace mumbles under his breath. You hate when he does this, so you kick his shin under the table with your sneaker.

"What's that supposed to mean?" 

"Nothing, its just... I'm sure you had fun with Malfoy, that's all." His emphasis on fun tells you exactly what he's implying.

"Kace!" Cho shouts softly, as to not cause a scene. "Let her explain herself. I'm sure the rumors aren't true."

"What rumors?"

"Well, you know how you left the Yule Ball early?" You nod, asking her to continue. "Uh- well, people have been saying that-"

"That you slept with Malfoy." Kace cuts in, looking absolutely disgusted. 

Your mouth is agape in shock at his bluntness. Of course you and Draco didn't sleep together, I mean technically you did, but not in that way. Now all the nasty looks you were getting made sense. You figured that those comments wouldn't go outside the Slytherin common room, but obviously they did.


"I mean we figured you knew already. I told Luna to tell you, but she didn't seem to do that." Cho explains, giving Luna a stern looks.

It's Not Easy |Draco x reader|Where stories live. Discover now