𝐆𝐨𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐎𝐟 𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐛𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐩𝐮𝐫𝐞!

89 4 2

Location: Ozpin's Office
Pov: 3rd Person

Inside Ozpin's office we see a rather...interesting scene unfolding infront of Glynda Goodwitch's Eyes

Currently Ozpin is patting Ereshkigal's head as she held her hood over her face to hide her red cheeks, shes embarrased but happy she's getting praise from Ozpin. Glynda kinda wants to join and smother the embarrased girl with all the affection and love she deserves but she held back knowing ozpin will give her that shitty smug smile of his and tease her for it, glynda will throw him out a window if he teases her again.

"S-stop please! Im a Goddess!" Ereshkigal said gathering some courage and looking up at ozpin from underneath her hood but Ozpin just boops her nose and smiles at her "a goddess whos done her job wonderfully and deserves praise" he said as she just covered her face again not sure how to respond to all this praise shes being given

"Hhhhhh.." making a small whine of embarrassment the Goddess tries her best to hide her now cherry red face as Ozpin laughs softly before standing straight and fixing his coat with a small smile.

"Now i do believe our last meeting ended with me promising you a peice of Blueberry Pie correct?" Ozpin said offering her his hand as she suddenly stops moving and slowly turns her head to him with a happy shine im her eyes

"Yes you did!" She said taking his hand allowing him to pull her up off the floor as Glynda just gave a small laugh of amusement, these two are always so cute to watch.

"My my is the famous Cold Which actually laughing~?" Ozpin looks at Glynda with his shit eating grin having heard her laughter and She narrowed her eyes at him and raised her riding crop.


Ozpin was covered in a Purple glow before being thrown out the window and falling down to the ground making Ereshkigal yell in panic and went to the window looking out and down to the ground.

"Father!" She yelled worried for him as Glynda pats her shoulder making her flinch in slight fear she may also be thrown out the window.

"Dont worry it'll take more to kill him, if anything hes just got a scratch or two, come along well go see." she said taking the Goddesses hand in a soft hold and gently pulling her along to the elevator.

Ozpin meanwhile groans as he slowly picked himself off the ground rubbing his head, noticing his broken glasses infront of him making him sigh. Thank the Gods his aura kept him from serious injury, he could have died dust damn it! "Why do you keep teasing her Ozpin you know she always does that.." he mumbled to himself getting to his feet with a small shudder at the numerous memories of being thrown out windows by an angry or embarrassed Goodwitch...thank heavens they weren't on a bulkhead this time..ahh now he has to pay for that window..

"Father! Father!" A blue of red and gold slammed into his back almost as immediately after he had gotten up slamming him back down to the hard concrete making him wheeze feeling the air leave his lungs, Ereshkigal looks delicate but she could very easily break his bones with a simple flick if she wanted.

"Oh no, you really should be more careful professor ozpin! Tripping on your own run and falling out a window is most definitely dangerous for someone of your Age." Glynda's overly dramatic sarcasm was not lost to Ozpin, especially at that jab at his age just because of his hair and that rocking chair he got last month for his room.

Rocking chairs are comfortable damn you!

"...yes yes I ought to be careful, all this window breaking may force me to have to cut the salary of some staff." Ozpin said with a very very small grin getting to his feet AGAIN while gently scratching the top of Ereshkigal's head making the girl just close her eyes and happily accept it.

"Really? It would be a shame is I informed everyone about sal-"

"GLYNDA NO-" Ozpin yelled with panic reaching to Glynda who did nothing more then cross her arms under her rather generous bust (ozpin dosen't stare at times fuck off) and smirk at him.

Was she really playing this care?
Yes. Yes she was.

"Um...if its no trouble to you two...can we go get pie now..?" A soft meeker voice snapped the two out of there little 'game' and made them look over at there local Death Goddess who seems to be looking just a LITTLE annoyed of being kept waiting..

"Ah yes of course..come along you two lets go" Ozpin seeing his daughters slight chance of getting Angry decided to bury this little game for now and pull her along to the cafeteria, Glynda following after them not wanting to leave the two alone since Ereshkigal has no knowledge of the current worlds customs from what ozpin has told her and because Ozpin is...well Ozpin.

POV: 3rd Person.

The Queen Of Grimm, Tyrant of Darkness, Witch that Summoned Calamity..


Salem was...feeling odd, recently she had felt the return of her Pride and Joy to the top layer of remnant in Vale through that special Mother-Daughter connection the two shared.

What had her feeling odd however was the fact that she was up here in the first place, currently the plans to bring down beacon, and deal a massive blow to her foes was going under way but with Ereshkigal on the field...this changed thing's.

It takes but a single touch from her to kill any mortal thing, at her strongest Ereshkigal could even destroy Concepts to a certain degree (her Immortality however was sadly not one such thing.), but now that her precious Eresh was in Vale in ment the chance of her completely annihilating her forces before they could even blink was very much a possibly.

Even if they somehow had the full power of four maidens they would never be able to evem scratch the Goddess of Death.

"Hm..." a hum left the Queen's lips as she ponders her mext move. She wishes to go see her beloved little Death Goddess but she's with Ozma so...yeah.
The empty meeting room she sat in began to vibrate with her increasing rage, damn that ozma. Damn Vale. Damn this Curse. She just wanted...to hold her Daughter again. The youngest of her 'litter' and the only one still breathing today...she wanted to wrap her arms around her and whisper sweet praises and words of love in her ear.

"...perhaps..It is time for a Trip."

Magic could do many things.
Making a disguise was certainly not out of the question.

The Grimm Queen smirks, she may get her wish yet.

[ END. ]

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2023 ⏰

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