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I can feel myself being tapped like someone was trying to wake me up.

"10 more min maybe 5"

"Wake up now"I can feel myself still being tapped on

Than I turn myself to see the person who it was and I see a girl with blonde hair from my dreams

"Leafa"than she pulls the blankets from me And it was Selka

"Will you get up already it 5:30 even though your a lost child of Vecta and a guest your still required to get up on time"After she's done talking she puts her hands on her hips and waiting for my answer

"Okay" I say with as much energy as I have and nods her head.

I got myself dressed up and ate breakfast and went on my way to meet up with Eugeo at the gigas cedar.

"45!" Eugeo yelled out while hacking away at the tree, while Eugeo was doing that I started think that I don't know about this place or how I got here but I'm gonna need eugeo help to get to Centoria but I have to get him out of he's calling first

"And to do that we have to chop this tree down"

"What was that?"he asked confused

"Oh nothing"I didn't mean to say it out loud

"Well we finished the morning quota time to eat" he says while handing me bread from the bakery in the morning. But when I took a bite out of it it had an unpleasant taste and Eugeo noticed my reaction.

" you now what I wish, I wish you could've tasted the pies Alice made, the crust was flake and so much filling having it with fresh milk was the best"

"Was that Alice's calling a baker?" I asked curiously

"HaHa not even she was studying the sacred arts at the church, she was the greatest prodigy this village ever had she can cast spells by the time she was 10"Eugeo finished off with a big smile on his face

"Wow,what's with the girl living in the church you know selka" I ask finishing my bread and standing up

"Oh that's Alice little sister after Alice was taken she moved into the church to study the sacred arts and become A nun" Eugeo explained

"Oh okay, hey there's a bunch of kids there to are they there the same reason like selka" I ask him

"They lost their parents to the plague that hit the village a few years ago the church is the only place they had room for them poor kids" Eugeo finished off with a depressed look on his face.

" it's like we're cursed all these strange things have been happing lately, like also people being attacked and kidnapped on the main road, people say goblins are the ones doing it"

"There's goblins here" I say with a surprised face

"I have a felling all that talk is just rumors if it were true a integrity knight would've come by to stop this, they would've been here in a flesh like when Alice touched the ground in the dark territory, that's nothing compared to goblins " Eugeo finished off with an angry look and making his hand into a fist

"No it isn't"

"Either way there have been a lot of deaths in the past 2 or 3 years more than usual"

"Can you revive them, you know with one of the sacred arts" I asked curiously

"I don't know about that but I do remember Alice there was a high level sacred art that could stop a life from decreasing" Eugeo finished off explaining

"That would be good one to know I guess"

" it ,would Alice said she found a passage about that spell in one of the old books in the church, but the problem is only the high priestess at the axiom church could use it"

"Axiom church?" I say confused and curious

" it's in Centoria they wrote the taboo index"

"But do you have to be a high priest to use it maybe someone like you or me can use it" I ask Eugeo

" no it's not for regular folks like us, the sacred arts get their strength from the sacred power that Solus and Terraria suffuse the air and land with. The more elaborate the art the more sacred power it takes, it would have to take more power than this forest has and no one from here to zakkaria can wield it." Eugeo finishes off explaining

'Solus and Terriaria, those names sound familiar'

"That's to bad maybe there's a sacred art that would help us cut this thing down" I say looking at the giant tree

"Haha that would make things easier"

"There has to be something than this" I say looking at the ax

" hey Eugeo is there something stronger than this?" I say while holding the ax in my hand

"I'm afraid there's not, the only thing stronger than the dragon bone ax is an integrity knight... wait maybe there is wait here for me I'll be right back" Eugeo says getting up and going someyand give a confused look.

After a few moments I can see Eugeo carrying while struggling and sets the object down that is wrapped around a cloth

"Wow are you okay" I asked conceded for him than I look at the object that he was carrying on the ground

"Mind if I open it?" I ask for permission

"Okay but be carful if it lands on your foot it will leave you than just a scratch" he says while out of breath

I hold it and try to pick it up but it was to heavy than set it up straight than take off the wrapping and see a sword with a rose on the hilt of it

I hold it and try to pick it up but it was to heavy than set it up straight than take off the wrapping and see a sword with a rose on the hilt of it

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"No way" I say while looking at the blue sword but for some reason I feel like I've seen it before, a long time ago but where?

"It's the blue rose sword from the fairy tale"

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