Chapter III

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"Chloe? Chloe, why can't I place the name?" I whined, now speed walking through the hospital, Gwendolyn running in order to catch up.

"Maybe it's one of her relatives? I don't know Mildred"

"Well, I'm going to find out if its the last thing I do"

We sped towards my office, pushing anyone in my way towards the wall, the other nurses and patients craning their necks to see what all the commotion was about.

"Get back to work, this isn't a circus" I snarl looking straight at each and every one of them.

"Mildred, slow down" Gwendolyn says, pulling me back with a hand that I quickly shrug off.

"No, there's no time, I need to know"

Finally reaching the office, I swing the door open with all my might and walk over to a nearby cabinet, bending down, running my fingers through files upon files of patient records. Their rough exteriors prickling at my fingers "Where is it? I can't find it" I groan, panic rushing through my blood and reflecting in my tone of voice.

"Hey, calm down there, I have the file right here" Gwendolyn pulls the file out from under her arm placing it softly on the desk, sliding it in my direction. Just as I'm about to reach out to take the file, she takes my hand in hers.

"You my Darling, need to sit down and take a few breaths"

"I'm falling apart Gwen. I don't know how much longer I can go on"

I walk over to the seat behind my desk and sit myself down, burying my face in my hands.

"You haven't slept in days sweetheart, no wonder you're so tense" Gwendolyn walks behind my chair, lifting my chin with her hand so that I was looking straight into her eyes. Those beautiful eyes. There was a light glint of a hazel nuttish tinge in the corner of her right Iris, one that I'd never noticed before. I lean forward and kiss her subtle lips, her breath filling me with life as I feel my heart rate slow down considerably.

As she moves away slowly, I close my eyes and she begins to massage my shoulders. Her strong fingers shifting my skin, moulding it like dough making me moan with pleasure. The tension in my bones was released in seconds, her hands worked pure magic. At that moment I felt safe, someone else could take over the wheel while I took a break from it all.


"Much" I look up and stroke her cheek, a large grin on my face.

"I best get a look at this file, I might not have much time. Stay with me?"

"Of course, I'm right here" She lifts a chair from the front of my desk and places it down beside me, taking my hand in hers once more and squeezing it lightly. I open the file lying on my desk, my fingers trembling slightly but Gwendolyn's touch seemed to soothe me.

"Name, Diane Sherman, Date of birth-" my voice trails off as I continue scanning the document, seeing nothing out of the ordinary. "She most likely has some form of psychosis, I'll need to consult with a doctor before I provide a diagnosis" I sigh, looking over at Gwendolyn, who was staring right at me the whole time, a small smile tugging at the edges of her mouth.

"What?" I laugh, raising my eyebrows, pursing my lips trying to look offended.

"Nothing, you're cute when you're focused, you know that?"

"Honey, stop it" I say looking down, averting my gaze while blushing profusely.

"It's true" she says smugly, leaning back in her chair, tilting her head and crossing her arms over her chest.

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