We've Got Plans This Christmas Eve

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Here's a mature one that ya'll requested. I might do one more within the next few stories. :) Please skip if you don't want to read. 


Ricky pushes me against the bedroom wall gently, running his hands up my sides as his lips find mine again in a heated kiss. I breathe out his name before his arm hooks under one of my legs and he's pulling it up against his waist so that our centers are completely flush together.

We were all dressed up for a Christmas Eve dinner that we'd be spending with his family, Mike, Mike's fiancée, Todd and Lynne. My moms were out of town for Christmas so Ricky had decided it should definitely be the year that we spent our first Christmas together. Unfortunate for our current situation, that meant his family time was moved up a night and we were just a couple minutes from having to go out to the fancy restaurant his parents had booked a reservation at. Any other time it'd be wonderful, but with Ricky's lips pressed against my neck and his hand holding my freshly curled hair away from my face so that he could get access to my bare skin, I was definitely frustrated with our plans.

"Ricky" I groan, moving my hand up his back and into his hair. "We have to go soon." I'm not even entirely sure he's heard me because he's grinding his hips against mine and running a finger over the neckline of my dress that started the whole thing. "I know" he confirms before he finds my mouth again and I melt into his kiss, matching my level of concern to his. "You're just lucky I didn't put lipstick on yet." I gasp as Ricky's hands find my hips and he moves himself gently against me. "You're just lucky that we won't be able to finish this because what you're doing to me in that dress-" his low voice is cut off by a knock at the apartment door, and I jump away from him.

I smooth my hair over and am glad to see its still relatively tame. I pull on my dress and adjust myself in front of the mirror before telling Ricky that I'd get the door. Ricky nods and shifts uncomfortably, pulling on his belt a little. "You good?" I laugh and he narrows his eyes playfully. "Tell them I'll be in the bathroom." He mutters and I give him a smile before walking quickly out of the bedroom. 


"So what about you kids? Any plans for the rest of your night?" The adults had successfully made it through their long winded stories and questions of our childhood, our work, and even the prospect of grandkids. Now Lynne looks at me expectingly from across the table. I laugh and shake my head. "Nothing really, I'm sure we'll just sit by the Christmas tree and drink lots of hot chocolate." Lynne smiles knowingly and I jump away just a little when I feel a familiar hand snake up my thigh gently. "It's crazy you know? When you don't have any kids but you're also way too old to be doing the regular Christmas Eve traditions that are usually done for kids." I say in attempt to distract myself from Ricky's teasing hand that was making its way to the inside of my thigh. "I'm afraid I know what you mean. Cookies for Santa and reading the Night Before Christmas? Definitely traditions that die out unless you have little ones in the picture." Mike nods knowingly and Ricky chuckles, although his hand still continues to trace up my leg. "If we didn't just graduate from grad school I'd say you four might have a grandkid next year." My head snaps towards Ricky and I give him a shocked look. "But I still think we should have fun and be young just a little bit longer. And then put that ring on her finger." He explains to the adults. I blush and look down at where his hand was clamped down on my leg. When Todd turns to say something to Lynne and Mike and his fiancée start talking, Ricky leans into me. "How's that sound?" He asks, taking his hand off my thigh and looping it around my chair. I look around the quiet restaurant before finding his eyes. "I think I love the sound of it." I admit. His other hand finds my leg and draws tiny circles into my skin as he presses a kiss to my shoulder. "Perfect." 


"Have you been turned on since we left the apartment?" I whisper harshly, shoving Ricky's hand away from my thigh as he attempts to feel me up in the far back seat of the car we were all riding home in. Ricky's family was laughing and singing along to the Christmas tunes on the radio so Ricky takes the opportunity to lean into me, his mouth finding my ear. "Don't say it like it's so fucking shocking. Your leg was hiked up on my waist. Of course I've been turned on." He says incredulously against me. I shiver and clasp my hands together. 

After we've hugged the family members goodbye and wished them a Merry Christmas, Ricky pulls me through the apartment complex up to our place. 

I take my jacket off and toss off my heals, raising an eyebrow when I notice Ricky rocking back and forth on his feet. "What?" I laugh and he points a thumb to the bedroom. "Wanna?" He asks shyly and I grin, walking over to him and hooking my fingers around his belt loops. I pull him against me and lift his sweater just enough to rub my thumbs against his bare skin. His arms immediately encircle me and he leans in slowly. I pull away just a little. "You're such a tease." He groans, frustration laced in his tone. "You were the one feeling me up all night!" I exclaim, laughing a little at his impatience. At that, he tugs on my waist hard and I'm up against his body, bracing myself by putting my hands onto his chest. "You didn't stop me." He says against my mouth, and then his lips are on mine. 

I gasp at the immediate intrusion of his tongue between my lips and I melt into his body as he raises my dress up. He slips his hands underneath my thighs so that I can jump onto him and my hands immediately find his hair, combing roughly through his curls as he groans quietly into my mouth. "Bedroom." He whispers as he finds my neck and I slide down his body, tugging on his hand to take him to our room. 

Ricky pushes me onto the bed in an instant, and he's tugging off his sweater before finding his place over me. "I love you Nins." He mumbles before finding my neck to press his lips to. I smile and arch my back at the feeling of his mouth sucking at my pulse point. "God I love you too Ricky." I feel him smirk against my skin and his hands find my waist. 

"Can I..." Ricky asks as he begins to tug at my bunched up dress. I nod and lift myself off the bed enough for him to pull off the fabric. He undoes his belt immediately after and then he's on top of me again, cupping my cheek and turning my neck just a little so that he had access to my full neck. I groan and reach for his face. "Screw that." I say, pulling him close so that I could press my lips to his. He smirks against my lips and I feel him move on top of me, grinding our hips together so that we could relieve some of the tension. Reaching for his waist, I unbutton his black jeans tug them down enough for him to take over. He does just that, and then he's reaching to pull down my nylon tights. "Take off your bra." He mumbles as he pulls down his boxers. As I'm unclasping my bra, I feel Ricky's fingers trace up my thighs gently before they hook into the edges of my underwear. "Can I..." he asks and I nod frantically, just wanting to feel him against me. When we're completely bare, he's leaning over me, his mouth against mine as he rubs himself against me. "Who's the tease now?" I ask breathlessly as Ricky moves to pepper kisses down my chest. "Just put it in" I whine and Ricky doesn't even answer, just surges into me in a way that leaves me completely breathless. "That what you wanted?" He asks huskily and I wrap my legs around his waist, pushing my fingers into his hair while moaning his name quietly. I couldn't answer, but he didn't care. He knew exactly what I wanted. 


When we've collapsed into each other, both exhausted after reaching our highs, he pulls me into his chest. "Was this Christmas Eve a good one?" He asks and I giggle. "Oh you bet babe. And I think I have plans to make Christmas Day even better." I tell him and he wiggles his eyebrows. "Oh please do share." I shake my head, pressing my lips to his bare chest. "You'll find out tomorrow. Merry Christmas Ricky." He breathes deeply and wraps his arms around my frame just a little tighter. "Aren't we going to shower and sit by the tree?" I shrug and close my eyes. "Five minute nap." He laughs happily and presses his lips to the top of my head. "In that case, Merry Christmas baby." 

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