Chapter 1

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Na'jai and Suey

Najai: Suey we should go home it's getting kinda crowded in here.

Suey: hell no! I want one more drink!

Najai tugged on her wrist for awhile until she finally gave up and walk her to the bar. Na'jai give the bar tender a familiar nod as he begins mixing drinks. Na'jai looked unsure for a moment before she glance down at her now giggling best friend. Suey was dressed in a way too short black dress with a deep neckline. Na'jai groaned in frustration as suey leaned obliviously closer to the creep that sat on her right his eyes going down into her cleavage. Na'jai glared into his face until finally he got the hint. He stomped off leaving na'jai pleasantly annoyed and left with this Giggling adult.

Na'jai: why did I have to suggest that we go out?

Suey giggles slightly before she sits calmly into a bar stool.
Suey: because daddy owns the bar and I get anything I want! Ted I want a martini, stat!

Na'jai: stop saying stat all the time Suey, you're not a doctor.

Suey begins to play with her hair hot intoxicated puffs of air through her mouth blowing into her bangs.

Suey: I feel very smart right now. Like the numbers to our old math quizzes are just whizzing into my brain.

Na'jai: honey*sigh* that's just your brain being clouded by all the achoholic beverages you've been drinking.

Suey shrugs before her eyes make there way over to the corner of the club. Suddenly she gets up her heels clacking as she walks quickly to whatever she was looking at. Suey sobered quickly leaving you confused. Na'jai ran after her. Na'jai gasp as her eyes make there way to Suey as she stands next to some random guy a smile on her lips.

Na'jai walks over to Suey and the guy

Na'jai: what the hell Suey you got me running all over the place

Suey: whatever Na'jai

Na'jai: let's go home Suey

Suey: can we take him too?

Na'jai: no we can't lets go!

Suey: Na'jai please I really want to go home with him

Na'jai: you can't

Suey: fine- but just one dance
Suey walks off with the weird stranger. his hair turning into a big flame under the lights. she has to admit it was cool but poorly dyed. Na'jai decided to go back to the bar to get a drink to calm her nerves. she grabbed the shot glass and downed it immediately. she went back to the dancing area. She couldn't find Suey.
Suddenly she felt stupid for letting her leave with that guy. that 12 year old girlish looking adult guy. for all you knew he could be a creep. a sorta cute might be serial killer creep-but that didn't make anything better. she sighed annoyed and pulled out her phone sending Suey a text.

Na'jai: tell me when to pick you up I am upset with you 😡

A buzz was quickly heard from her phone.

Suey: I'll be fine Na'jai don't worry I AM A BIG GIRL

Na'jai rolled her eyes before quickly texting her back

Na'jai: I love you, and be safe!

She then goes home that night worrying about her.

Suey had been having an awesome night since she left the club with Michael. micheal had turned out to be in a band that recently had just got big in the u.s. Suey was thrilled and sobered when she listened to a few of there songs. she categorized it as punk pop which was exactly what Michael represented.

Suey giggled as Michael helped her into the nice bedroom. the bedroom was big and spacious mainly neat. there was a queen sized bed in the middle of the room it had superman covers on it. this room looked like it belonged to a 14 year old boy.

Suey: do you have a brother?

Michael: Nope

Suey: well who's room is this

Michael: no one he moved out about a year ago. a girlfriend thing. Michael cursed to himself accidentally tripping over a stack of old pizza boxes. he quickly recovered saying goodnight and closed the door.

Suey began looking around he room an object telling a story that she found interesting.

Band mate #2= likes pizza, superman, and has an addiction to funny Twitter feeds.

She accidentally looked over to the photos and noticed a few things. He was blonde haired, blue eyed beauty with a cute strawberry nose and a perfect groomed stubble.

He was stood next to a tall girl with skinny thighs and big beautiful lips. this made Suey feel insecure about herself. but then Na'jai's voice rang through her head *you are perfect the way you are* she signed and then jumped into bed quickly.

Luke was convinced that this last argument was the end of him and Hannah's relationship. he packed his stuff and just stormed out. he was pissed. he'd given Hannah the best 3 years of his life and to find out that they were wasted was like a punch in the gut. like drove angrily through the night a tear running down his baby cheeks he pulled up into the boys drive way being greeted by a really drunk calum. calum giggles randomly a gofy smile on his face. calum frowned slightly sobering quickly noticing Luke's tears.

Calum: are you ok luke?

Luke: no I'm not.

calum: what happened?

Luke: I don't want to talk about it cal

Calum nodded before putting his arm into his shirt and running into the house acting like a chicken. Luke chuckled slowly but then proceeded up the steps. Michael,s lips went into an O shape as he stared at Luke surprised he was serious.

Michael: so you guys over?

Luke: yup is my room still ok?

Michael: about that-

Ashton hurried over punching Michael in the gut and giving Luke a small smile.

Ashton: Michael was planning to do the do with this girl but chickened out now she's sleeping in your room

Ashton ran, a drunken laugh on his lips as Michael nervously chased after him. Luke signed and trended his things on the floor tucking his clothes away. then threw the covers over his head. and tonight he would sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2015 ⏰

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