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Here we go again guys. Mature scenes ahead!!!!!!!!

She jerked of his hand from her shoulders. Now ron gets angry..

Ron-now enough is enough now as u know the truth their is no reason to show my cheesy, good and caring side(he said this with a evil smirk.)

Swarna was not able to understand anything what he just said. He started opening his shirts buttotns with a smirk.

Swarna-wh... Wha... What are you doing ron?? (She was hell scared)

She started Running towards the room and ron was behind her. As she reached the room and she was just going to close the door but ron pushed the door hard and barged in and and because of an immediate push she fell down on the floor. she started walking back till she touchwd the wall. Ron was moving towards her.

Ron-huh now where are you gonna run baby.

Swarna-please leave me. I beg you please.
(She started cryning)

Suddenly an idea strucked in her mind .

Swarna-ron see police..

Ron immediately turned backward. And in no time swarna called rayna as she lives in the same society. Ron turned back to her and caged her between his armes and started kissing and aucking her neck.

Swarna - someone please save me. Help me . Ron is trying to rape me. Someone please call the police. (Screaming)

Rayna was hearing this all . She immediately cut the call and called the police and ran towards swarna's house.

Rayna's pov.

I was doing preparation of dinner in my kitchen. And I got a call from swarna I picked up my as I was going to say hello she stared screaming that Ron is tring to rape her. I immediately called the cops and I didn't waited for them to come I started running towards her house and I called armaan in between running.

End of pov

Swarna's pov.

Till now Ron has torned my shirt and he is also half naked we are on my bed. I was crying like hell.
When heared the door opening I was sure that it was rayna. I saw her barging in the room she pushed away Ron and everything turned into black.

Time skip.

When I opened my eyes I saw I was wearing full clothes. And I was lying on my bed. Rayna was sitting beside me. And Ron was nowhere to see. I don't know why I just got up rayna was calling my name but I ran into the bathroom I cried my heart out and took a bath.

End of pov.

So for today that's it. I'll continue the story tomorrow bye

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2020 ⏰

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