The Intro

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My name is Y/N  Y/M/N  Y/L/N, it's my 4th year at Hogwarts. My best friend is Draco Malfoy, my parents died when I was 3 years old, my parents were great friends with the Malfoy's so was like a daughter to Narcissa and Lucious. I have have a secret crush on Draco since I was 7 but only my friend Blaise Zabani knew. Im a slytherin and your 13

                           Chapter 1 
           It was summer and there was only 2 weeks until we went back to Hogwarts, me, Draco, Blaise and Pansy where all hanging out. "Come in the pool Y/N!! Blaise shouted at me "Yeah Y/N! Pansy said. "Ok ok" I said rolling my eyes jumping into the pool. "IT'S FREEZING" I said swimming to the ladder "Nope your not going anywhere" I heard somebody say behind me, Of course it was Draco. When I turned around to look I saw Pansy on Blaise's shoulder's. Draco looked at at me, I slightly smiled when I saw his grey glistening eyes sparkle in the sun, he smiled back, I jumped back into the water, without knowing that Draco was underneath me "DRACO LUCIOUS MALFOY" I yelled as he had me on his shoulders. "Y/N calm down" he said I took a deep breath and looked below me to see him smiling, "Wanna play a game guys" said Pansy, Blaise had replied "What game?" "Well technically it's not a game" she said "CHICKEN FIGHT" Pansy yelled at the top of her lungs.

                     Chapter 2
After swimming in the pool. We all went inside to watch a movie "What do you guys wanna watch" I said "I don't know!" Said Draco yelling at me from his room , as he was getting the pillows and blankets "bro chill" said Blaise. Pansy had just come out of the bathroom. Narcissa and Lucious walked in the door "Were home" Narcissa said as she put bags of things on the counter "Y/N dear will you help me put the groceries away? Draco where are you hun?" Come be a dear and help Y/N." Draco walked in the to the kitchen to help me out the groceries away, as I was struggling to put the food in the cupboard on the top shelf, I felt cold hands grab my waist and lift me up, so I could reach, I looked down and I saw Draco, he was smiling I smiled back "Thanks" I said while blushing. "No problem" he said blushing and smirking. After all the groceries were put away I went to go sit on the couch, after I had sat down Draco sat right beside me, I smelt his cologne which smelt like vanilla mint and gave me butterflies

                      Chapter 3

      A few hours later Blaise and Pansy left and it was 11:30 Lucious had my bed in the basement but the basement had been flooded the night before, so I had to sleep in Draco's room. "I'll just sleep on the couch.." I said "No there's no need to we can both sleep in the bed" said Draco "Fine" I said rolling my eyes. I got cold "Draco I'm cold" I said he got out of the bed and grabbed me his quidditch jersey. "Don't get it dirty" he said "it already is" I said to annoy him, he got mad. "Drakie is mad" he gets angry when I call him that, but I thought it was cute. The next morning at breakfast I had made pancakes with (your favourite chocolate) they were delicious, "Good morning" Draco said is his sleepy voice. It made my heart melt.

                      Chapter 4

      Skip a few days and it was time to go back to Hogwarts which I was was excited for because I got to see Pansy and Blaise again, We got to platform 9 3/4 where I said goodbye to Narcissa and Lucious. Me and Draco were on the train in our compartment, we sat with Pansy and Blaise, we all decided to play truth or dare "Blaise truth or dare" said Draco "Truth" Blaise replied, "Aha I got one!" I said  "Blaise do you like Pansy?" I said calmly "uh.. no. I mean maybe.. yeah, yeah I do" Blaise said while stammering "long time to answer" said Draco I shoved him so he would be quiet. Pansy on the other hand was red and blushing a lot "Pansy are you ok??" I said "Yeah just.. I like you as well Blaise" "WOOHOO!" I said. Once we got to Hogwarts Pansy, Blaise and Draco came to my dorm to hangout we decided to continue our game of truth or dare.
                   Chapter 5
   After playing truth or dare they all left and I went to bed. The next morning I had Potions I walked into class with Pansy and I saw that Draco and Blaise were already there, Snape walked in shutting all the windows with his wand,  "Today we are making Amortentia, who can tell me what it is?" "Mrs Granger?"  "It's the strongest potion in the world sir, you smell who attracts you.." Said Hermione, just then I caught Pansy and Lavender moving forwards to try to smell it but Snape caught them and snapped at them everyone had smelt it except me. Snape had called me up to smell it "I smell Vanilla, Quittich equipment, mint and a hint of green apples. Draco looked at me, his grey stone eyes looked into mine.

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