Bad Dog

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A/N: There are hundred other things I should be doing but one of my fish died so I'm gonna write this instead to spread the pain.


"Alright, class, everyone grab a watering can and tend to your vegetable patches," Mr Abe instructed, putting on his gardening gloves as he addressed the class of eight-year-olds.

Gakushuu grabbed his watering can quickly when he saw his classmate Matsumoto draw nearer with his gang of tall friends.

The whole class was outside and spread out near the greenery area of the school where the big pond and tall trees were, along with the different plants and vegetables the students were growing. Their clas patch was the nicest one but it was annoying when the frogs from the pond would sometimes hop into the patches when passing by.

"Saito, no!" Mr Abe despaired and rushed over to the boy who was trying to eat the unripe vegetables. "They'll upset your stomach!"

Gakushuu smiled in amusement as he passed, and went over to his small vegetable patch which his partner, Okuda, was tending to farther away near the trees and shrubbery. She was the smallest girl in class as well as the shiest, so he always had to help her lift her watering can at times, otherwise her large glasses would fall off her face and her two braids would get wet when the water spilled over them.

"Hi, Okuda," he greeted, sighing when he saw her struggle to lift the green metal can with a daisy on it. "Do you need help?"

It was annoying, but Okuda was always quiet and nice, so he didn't mind that much.

"Yes, please!" she mumbled, her cheeks turning pink as she lowered her gaze. "Thank you, Asano!"

He plastered on a polite smile and helped her, watering the patch of carrots they were growing. "It's fine. Classmates should help each other." That's what their teacher always told them...even if a lot of them didn't listen. Or at least not any more since Matsumoto had transferred to their class.

Okuda smiles and nodded, the two of them lowering the watering can together. "I can't wait until the carrots are done, my mommy says we can use them to make a cake."

Gakushuu's eyes widened curiously. "You can make a cake with carrots?"

"Uh, huh!" Okuda nodded happily. "I'm going to share it with the class after." Then her smile faltered when she looked over at Matsumoto and the other boys, growing shy. "Well...maybe not everyone..."

Gakushuu grimaced, sharing her wariness, and stiffened when the large boy caught them staring. He quickly grew on guard when the boys laughed and started to walk over to them.

"...You should go refill the water can," he said, pouring the rest of the water in the dirt.

Okuda looked confused. "But—"

"Do it," he ordered sharply, making her jump. Okuda was smaller than him and wearing glasses, it was better she didn't get caught up in this. She was too nice.

She was hesitant but did hurry off with the empty can before Matsumoto arrived; the boy cast a shadow over him since he was near twice his size in height. He was on the soccer team and was faster and stronger than Gakushuu on the field, earning praise from their coach regularly.

"Hey, Gakushuu!" he put an arm around him, making him scowl. "You grow anything yet?"

Gakushuu's scowl grew, pulling on the grip around his shoulders as the boy's chunky arm gripped him tight. "Yeah..."

"It looks like weeds," Ito commented, his thin face pulling into a grin, poking at the leaves of the developing carrots with a stick.

"Yeah, you're not doing a good job, Gakushuu," the other boy,Kato, taunted, using Ito's stick to poke Gakushuu in the cheek.

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