Chapter 3

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"Hey look, it's the Toilet Girl. Watch out, she'll infect you with her nasty germs." Adrien whispered loudly in class, making the other students snicker. I ignored them, making sure that my test answers were correct before turning it in to the teacher, who smiled at me and took it.

The whispers continued, and rumors grew.

"I heard that Vanessa has an obsession with toilet paper."

"I heard that she toilet papered her own room because she thought it was good decoration!"

Adrien gave you a cheeky smile as you shot a dagger glare at him.

"All right class, everyone stop writing and turn in your papers now." Groans filled the room as students put down their pens reluctantly. I sat in my chair, watching everyone turn their papers in. I had already finished my test with ease, while the other unfortunate students like Adrien hadn't even done half of the paper yet.

"How does it feel?" I flinched as I felt a hand on my shoulder. I spun around and pushed Adrien's hand off my shoulder in disgust. "What do you mean?" I spat out. He gave a grin. "Aw, don't be so rude. I just made you famous, didn't I?" He smirks as I give him an incredulous look. "I think the word you're looking for is infamous, asshole." I walk away, leaving him standing with an annoying smile on his face.

"Ugh.... I can't believe Adrien made up that nickname! It sounds horrible. At least make up something that sounds cool!" Hannah said indignantly after I told her what happened. "Not helping, but okay.." I take a sip of my strawberry milk and watch as Adrien puts his arm around a blonde haired girl, making her turn as red as a firetruck.

"What are you staring at, Nessa?" Isabella pops out by my side, smiling like she knew something. "Nothing." I muttered, squeezing the milk carton so hard that some of the liquid dripped down my arm. "Oh great." I reach for a napkin and hear a voice that makes me cringe.

"Looks like the Toilet Paper Princess has moved on from toilet paper to napkins." Laughter fills the room as Adrien taunts me again, making sure everyone heard him.

"Will you just shut up already?" I burst out, making everyone stop. "I've had enough of your silly antics. Are you in third grade or something? Talking about toilet paper and teasing- Have you really sunk that low, Adrien?" I can feel the fire in my eyes, and he stares at me, but I don't back down.

"Copying my notes and teasing me about how I'm the teacher's pet and the nerd of the school, look at yourself! You wouldn't even survive the class if I weren't there. How would you know what to write if you didn't copy off of me? I swear to god, Adrien Lovehart, YOU ARE SO FULL OF YOURSELF." I yell at him, throwing my milk carton down, barley hearing the slosh of strawberry milk hitting the floor.

I pick up my backpack and swiftly walk out of the room. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2020 ⏰

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