Chapter 2

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Ugh, what a horrible sleep.

Before even opening my eyes, the sun was trying to break through my eyelids as it's brightness leaked into the room, slowly waking me from my sleep. I wanted to fight off the beckoning of the day knowing what laid ahead – Paul and I's relationship was more than likely in its final hours, but I wasn't ready to face that reality. I figured if I allowed myself to continue sleeping, maybe it wouldn't happen. Such a foolish thought.

Ugh.I thought again.

My back felt like it had slept on top of a lumpy, uneven surface, confined to a strict space with little options for switching around positions. It kind of reminded me of the old couch that sat in our living room, but, I remembered taking the bed while Paul slept on the couch last night. My eyes slowly opened as I sat up and tried adjusting my vision against the sun filled room. The blanket slipped from the upper portion of my body exposing the cool air of the AC to my....bare skin? I don't remember falling asleep shirtless, I thought. I grabbed the blanket to shield my breasts, but my hands...those AREN'T my hands. I shrieked, releasing the blanket again, and grasping the chest that did not belong to me with the large, russet colored hands that also did not belong to me.

"Shit!" I yelled, quickly covering my mouth with both of my hands. The voice that had escaped from my lips was deep, and familiar. My breathing picked up heavily and I couldn't get myself to move or stand. Was I alone? Was I dreaming?I hesitated a moment, closing my eyes before removing the remainder of the blanket from my lap with my right hand, exposing a lower body that confirmed it all. The only item of clothing that adorned the figure was a pair of red checkered boxer briefs. From there, my left hand trailed along the extended 2 long and muscular legs the same color as the hands that were now shaking uncontrollably.

"Please tell me I'm dreaming.." I begged aloud. What was happening to me?I knew that I was in fact, anymore,but, where, then? I placed the russet hands on each side of my head as if trying to keep all of the confusing thoughts inside. I jumped at the feel and texture of the hair, slowly running the unidentified fingers through the entire length. Oh God, where is all of my hair?!My body was finally able to jump up and move, rushing to the mirror in the bathroom that was just before mine and Paul's bedroom. I flipped on the lights and nearly jumped backwards into the bathtub upon seeing the reflection staring back at me.


I could barely catch my breath. It was me, but it wasn't me. I was clearly staring back at Paul in the mirror, but, it was inside. I reached my right fingertips toward the mirror, touching the glass ever so slightly before hastily pulling back in disbelief.How was this possible? How was I me, but not me?I ran Paul's fingers through his hair again closely watching the reflection mimic the same movements. Paul's body was perfectly sculpted. His arms felt weighted and strong, and his legs felt stable and unwavering in any stance I dared to take. I ran Paul's fingers along each curve and dip in his muscles and frame. It had been so long that I had felt his body. Since we had started fighting more, his hugs became less and less frequent before they eventually became nonexistent. We slept further apart on the bed from each other and our once loving and comfortable cuddling positions, eventually turning into a lazy tangling of our bodies within one another, became only a memory.

I moved Paul's fingers slowly up to his lips, and closed his eyes. They were soft, and the perfect fit for my own lips. Even our kissing was extinct in the relationship now. I craved the sweet taste of Paul all the time, and I felt myself enjoying the moment of exploring the small things I so desperately missed about him as I stood, trapped in his frame. I opened his eyes again as I felt tears begin to build. My breathing picked up again as I focused on our closed bedroom door that was being reflected in the mirror. I turned my head to face the door before my...I mean..Paul's body followed in the same direction. I could hear Paul's heart pounding in his ears as I took a step toward the door. I took another step. Pounding. Another step. I stretched out Paul's arm, placing his palm flat on the door ready to push it open. But, I waited, still trying to put this all together. If I was in Paul's body...and if all of this was real....then maybe that meant-

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