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"Can I see her?" I asked as soon as I entered the hospital.

They knew who I was talking about so I was immediately ushered to her room. Luka and Levi were already there when I entered, blocking my view to the bed. Luka met my eyes as soon as I entered, and the smile on his face made me know that everything was okay.

I slowly walked further in towards them, and as soon as they stepped away from the bed and I saw her, I felt reassured. The smile that graced her lips when I saw her made me feel way better than I felt since I got that call yesterday.

"Hey" I whispered as soon as I was close enough to her. I kept my voice low as if I was going to hurt her with my tone.

She offered me her famous Victoria smile then wrapped me in her arms. I held onto her for dear life, but just loose enough so I didn't hurt her.

A single tear of joy rolled down my cheek as I heard a light chuckle from her.

"I don't appreciate all this tears shedding for me you know?" She mumbled in my hair, causing me to roll my eyes with a sniffle.

Victoria and her cheery spirit.

"We'll leave you guys for a bit." Luka said as he gently kissed her forehead. "Come on bud. Let's go freshen up and grab some breakfast " He said to Levi as they ventured out.

"Bring me back some food that's not from a hospital! " Victoria called after them, causing me to laugh a bit. She was never a hospital food kind of person. Ironic, since she works here as a pack doctor even though she's the Luna.

"So how have you been Zoey? How's life with your mate? "

"He is so awesome. I think the moon gave me the best mate ever by accident... I'm not complaining though" I blushed sheepishly as she bellowed out a laugh.

"I never wanted anything more for you. " She had that look on her face that told me she had something else coming. "Luka tells me that your heat is tomorrow" She added and I groaned. There it is.

"You and Luka shouldn't have been talking about that in the first place" I scolded with a cringe.

But of course, she just completely ignored me. "Are you going home? "

"What? No. I'm not leaving until you're out of here. You're not a wolf Vic. It takes longer for you to be discharged" I protested sternly. "And before you tell me that you're fine, you should know how stubborn I am"

"So you want to have your heat in a house of eight wolves?" She really got me with one.

I love them all, I really do. But even though the Alpha house is huge and Niall and I could always stay on the other side of the house by ourselves, everyone would still know what's up with me. This is between me and Niall-- And Victoria and Luka it seems.

"I'm sure you'll figure something out." She added casually as if dropping the subject. "By the way... There are some stuff at my old house in the human town that I need. I was bringing some of them home when my accident happened. " She plopped her finger on her chin as if she was thinking, then her face lit up as if she just got the best idea.

"Oh I know. You and Niall can fetch them for me today or, I don't know, tomorrow maybe? "

She shot me an innocent smile while I gave her an unbelievable one of my own.

Her Missing Pieces, The Alpha's TreasureWhere stories live. Discover now