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Ok so we have some technical difficulties so we're going to have to wait for the movies/show said Alitalia

But before we do anything else I want to bring in a good friend of mine said Alitalia

In walks, a feminine boy with shoulder-length black hair with a strip of white in it, please skin, and dark cold blue eyes. He was wearing some white shorts, a grey shirt, and a black hoodie tie around his waist. (Another of)

Guys this is my friend Yule White Alitalia said very happily

It's nice to meet you all Yule said in a monotone and he faces not showing any emotions

So how about he get started said, Yule ok first on

This look interesting said, Ai Afton

After watching the video

Oh my God said Ballora, Why's there so many Bryan's said Happy frog

These are all Bryan from different au said Alitalia, but why did it say help and fine Lefty said ok in a worried voice.

Alitalia was about to answer but Yule covered her mouth and shook his head no, it's not something we should tell he said.


veryone looked at Bryan but he didn't say anything so they looked back at the screen.

Huh I wonder what this is about said Molten

After watching the video

Wait so, Molten killed Bryan and Bryan killed Molten said Springtrap yup said, Yule suddenly Springtrap started laughing like a mad man.
While Baby, Lefty, and Helpy were hugging Bryan.

Guys don't worry he lived he's fine said Alitalia, everyone sigh relief that Bryan was ok, well everyone except Springtrap.

Ok the next video said, Yule

WAIT WHAT said, Bryan, I died said Neddbear

After watching the video

Everyone looked at Bryan and Neddbear.

Neddbear was crying and trying not to look at anyone and Bryan well.

Bryan slowly got all and walked over to Sringtrap once he was in front of him he diaper something no one heard.

Spring trap had a cocky smile and said what did you day Bryan
I said I'm GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU he yelled and jumped on Springtrap.
The two started fighting that was until Ballora and Lefty got the two separate

Ballpark With Bryan and Lefty with Springtrap. After that they got those two to sit down

Yule seems unfazed by this and said the last video

Ok this is one of my favorites said Yule smirking

After the video

Everyone was laughing like what happened a couple of minutes ago didn't happen

Wait Bryan did you actually threaten Molten said, Ai Afton still laughing

Yup Bryan said giggling, But I didn't know that it was Jon Bonnie and Lefty Idea.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2021 ⏰

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