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Another day have passed and as usual at this very time i'm alone again and no one to talk.

Alone in this empty space here in me. i was craving for the care they gave to others but never in me. and how can i ask them to share some of there care to me when at first sight they have rejected me much pain in this heart and i cant even show it to them. it was just a misfortune here in me when it comes to family, friends and other people who even know me. it was the source  of my pain. how can i get out from this stupidity  place in me or do i want to go out in this place where i know that i'm safe here than out there were they could hurt me more. what a stupidity is this. i want to be out of this chain and show to them how strong i am and to let them know that they can never do it again to me.

whats with this a stupid family who ever listen to me and always made me cry and never even care to ask me if i was alright...

whats with this friends who only speaks in me when they needed something in me. 

whats with this people who doesn't even care that i was badly hurt because of what they've done to me.... HOW I WISH I COULD SHOW IT TO THEM....

but it will never happen...cause they don't even know that i"m ALONE IN THIS CHAIN....where no one would even care to look at it.

ALONE IN CHAINTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon