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Billie's pov

There was a knock at the front door. Everyone was chilling in the living room but as soon as we heard the knock everyone looked up nervously.

"I'll answer it", Finneas said, trying to sound confident but he was just as scared as the rest of us.

Finneas' pov

I walked up to the door and opened it not expecting two police officers to greet me there.

"Hi, my name is Officer Ross and this is my partner Smith. If you weren't aware we have multiple search parties for Peyton West. She went missing last night and we are under the impression that she may have run away. We just stopped by to see if you had any information about her whereabouts", Officer Ross stated with confidence and power which made me fear her and honestly kinda nervous.

"Well, I'm sorry to hear that but I don't know anything about Peyton. I've never even heard of her before just now".

"Ok, if you happen to have any information that might help locate her call us", Ross responded while handing me a card with a number printed on it.

I waited for a second before closing the door and walked back to the couch where everyone was sitting just waiting for me to say anything.

"Well, tells us what happened", Claire had said growing impatient with the silence in the room.

"Nothing they just asked me if I had information on where Peyton was and I said no. They also said they think Peyton might have run away".

"T- That's g- good for us", James chimed into the conversation anxiety completely taking over his speech. James could get anxious at times so I have no idea why he ever agreed to this in the first place.

Billie's pov

"Yes, James it's very good for us".

I got up to check on Peyton. I walked into the basement where we were keeping her. She still looked confused and almost shocked. I figured she was still trying to process everything.

"Do you need anything baby girl?"

I could see the disgust on her face start to form as soon as I called her baby girl.

"I would like my freedom but I doubt you're gonna give me that so can I go to the bathroom?"

I walked out of the room to grab the keys for her handcuffs and once I walked back into the room her face lit up. She looked so pretty.

As I started walking towards I said, "Don't try anything got it".

"Yea I got it".

She wasn't paying attention to my words she just kept staring at everything but my eyes. I guess eye contact wasn't her thing.

Peyton's pov

Billie uncuffed me and I finally felt some sort of freedom.

I thought of trying to break free but I decided not to. While I was only I had studied the room I was trapped in and saw a small window in the corner of a wall. It looked like I was underground so I just assumed I was in a basement. Meaning I would probably run into someone had I tried to escape. It just wasn't worth it.

Billie walked me towards the bathroom and let me walk in. I saw her shadow under the doorframe and knew she was listening to everything that was happening.

I did what I needed to do then walked out. Bille then handcuffed me back to the support beam and walked out leaving me once again.

I'm gonna die in here


592 words

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