❄️Chapter 3 - Blue Skies❄️

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For the first time in what feels like forever, I wake up naturally, feeling fully rested. The sun is out, the sky is blue, and it's nine forty-five in the morning.


"Nine forty-five?! I'm late for dance practice! Crap!" I fall out of bed, taking my phone with me. The screen lights up and I blink at it, confused. The lock screen is a picture of some scenery rather than Jimin. That's odd.

I type in my passcode. 1013. It doesn't work. I try again. It still doesn't work, so I try my old passcode. 0613.

"This can't be happening! Yoongi is going to kill me. Hobi is going to kill me!"

"Dance practice is the least of your worries," a voice says out of nowhere.

Slowly, I turn to the desk where Taehyung is sitting, checking his nails. Before I can open my mouth, he holds his hand up.

"No, I'm not your Taehyung, I am your spirit guide. I took on this appearance because it would be weird for me to take on the appearance of your lover and plus, the fairy of the frost already claimed Park Jimin's appearance. So it'd just be confusing overall. I am your spirit guide. I am Taehyung, but I am not Kim Taehyung."

"What?" I finally take in my surroundings, realizing that this isn't the room I went to bed in and the bed is definitely not big enough for me to share with Jimin. "Wait, this is real? I'm normal? Where's Jimin?" I look around for any trace of him, picking up the pillows to smell them just in case.

Taehyung adjusts his Gucci headband. "You're eighteen, remember? Like an ordinary person your age, you have class to attend, which you're late to, by the way. Jimin is twenty. He could be out doing anything."

I shake my head. "No, Jimin is supposed to be with me. Where is he? Tell me."

My spirit guide just holds his hands up. "I'm your spirit guide, not Jikook's."

Massaging my temples, I begin to pace around my bedroom. "That's not gonna happen. Jimin and I should be celebrating together. I'll find him. We're in Busan, correct?"

He nods.

"Then I'll round up Jimin and we can celebrate. Then, after the holidays, I'll go back to being an id—"

A knock sounds at the door. "Jungkook, sweetie. You're late for school. Is everything okay? Your father thought you were already gone when he left. You should tell someone when you stay home sick."


A wide smile takes over my face and I run to the door, bringing her into a hug immediately. It's been so long since I've seen her. "I feel better now. Could I show up late?" I ask quietly.

"Yeah. It's better than an absence. It's the last day before winter break. I don't know why you needed to show up late." She hugs me back. "But if you hurry up, I can drop you off on my way to work." She lets me go. "Also, were you on the phone earlier? It sounded like you were talking to yourself."

I look at Taehyung and he laughs.

"So I forgot to mention—"

"Yeah, someone called me. It's what woke me up. I must've forgotten to set my alarm last night."

She nods. "Good. If your brother comes back from the military just to hear that you failed your last year of high school just because you couldn't stop sleeping, he'd be very mad at you." She clicks her tongue and goes to close the door. "Hurry up! I hope you took a shower before you went to bed because there is no time for one now!"

"Yes, Mom. Thank you." I scratch my head as the door shuts. "What's my password?" I whisper to Taehyung, already getting changed.

"Your own birthday."

I blink. "That's so weird." I unlock my phone and change the password to Jimin's birthday so that I won't keep forgetting and end up locking myself out of my phone.

Exhaling, I pat my cheeks and quickly get ready for school. I'm excited to start my normal life. Maybe I just need to get used to it a while and then this feeling of depression will subside. Plus, if Jimin isn't with me here, it could be for the best. As long as he's happy, I can cope with it. At least I get to celebrate the holidays with my parents, right?

Author's Note: Jungkook's wish came true and he seems content with it so far, but did he perhaps not think hard enough about such a big decision? Do you think he'll forget Jimin and see their relationship as a worth it sacrifice?

What do you think?

Make sure to take care and love yourself as best as you can.

With lots of love,


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