Chapter 1

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Very late at night, or very early in the morning, Tooru Oikawa's phone rang. He was already awake, so he was able to pick it up before his husband woke up.

He hadn't been sleeping much lately.

He exited their shared bedroom and answered his phone.



"Oh, hey Mateo, what's up?"

"Well, Olympics are coming up, the coach is wondering if you're coming back, he still wants you to play with us."

"...I'm not sure Mateo, i'm not sure if i'm okay with leaving Shoyo."

"I mean isn't he going to the olympics too? Can't you have that Atsumu guy take your place? Please just consider it Tooru, we need you."

"I'll think about it." Tooru hung up on his friend and set his phone down. He leaned against the wall and sighed.

He wanted to go play for Argentina, he missed his friends, but he also didn't want to leave his husband behind.

He went back into his room and laid down next to his husband, but he was unable to fall asleep. Insomnia is a bitch sometimes, although it seemed that sometimes was almost always for Tooru.

He sighed again, he'd been doing that a lot. Tooru stood and walked downstairs, entering the kitchen of his home. He started boiling some water, and then he sat at a seat at the counter.

He scrolled through twitter while he wanted for the water to boil.

He could honestly care less about current events, so he wasn't paying any attention.

Once his water was done boiling, he poured it over a tea bag into a mug. He sipped on the tea and stared at the wall. He did this almost every night.

"Well Mr. Wall, how are you tonight?" Tooru sipped on his tea some more, "I guess I must be crazy huh, talking to a wall." Tooru scoffed at himself. "Maybe i'll give you a name." He took another sip of his tea and began thinking.

Hours passed, hours that seemed like minutes, and before Tooru knew it, it was morning. His husband walked down the stairs, still half asleep.

"Hey Tooru, you're up early." Tooru hadn't told his husband about his sleeping problems, he didn't want to worry him.

"Yeah, i'll make you breakfast? If you want that is..." Shoyo pressed a kiss to Tooru's cheek,

"That sounds wonderful Ru, I'd love that." SHoyo went and took a seat on the couch, turning on the morning news.

It was all stuff about the Olympics this upcoming summer. They were being held in Tokyo, Shoyo was glad that he and Tooru wouldn't have to travel much.

"Hey Tooru?"


"You're gonna play in the Olympics right?" Tooru hesitated. "Tooru?"

"Well, you see, Mateo called me earlier, apparently Argentina wants me to play as well."

"Wait, you're going back to Argentina? For how long?"

"I haven't actually decided yet, it's just an option."

"If you want to go, that's okay, i know you probably miss your team a lot."

"I do. I just need to think about it for a bit."

"Hmmm, okay. Just do whatever you want, okay? Don't feel pressured by me."

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