Chapter 5

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Very late at night or very early in the morning, Tooru Oikawa banged his head against the wall.

He hadn't been sleeping much lately.

"I miss Wallister." He sat on the counter in the shared kitchen between him and his teammates. "Should i call him? Nah, he's probably at practice."

"Uhm, Mr. Tooru?" Sebastian hadn't given up on addressing Tooru as 'Mr.' and Tooru had given up in trying to stop him. "What are you doing?"

"Contemplating life's meaning." Sebastian laughed. He thought Tooru was joking. "I'm not joking." Sebastian shut up.

"Uhm, Mr. Tooru, are you alright?"

"Yeah," Tooru smiled sadly, "Everything's good, i just miss my husband."

"You have a husband?"

"Yeah, he's gonna be playing for Japan, surely you;ve heard of Shoyo Hinata?"

"Ninja Shoyo? Yeah of course! I played against him on the beach a few times, he beat me every time though, he's really good."

"Yep, he's amazing at everything he does." There was a small break, and everything was quiet except for the faint noise of the running dishwasher. "So what's keeping you up? Sebastian..."

"I'm nervous."

"What for?"

"Please don't take this the wrong way, Mr. Tooru, but i'm scared that you're gonna be so much better than me, and everyone is going to forget that i exist. I'mscared that you;re going to take away my spot on this team, and I don't want that to happen." Tooru looked down at the younger man with a reassuring smile.

"Hey, you wanna know what i thought when i saw you playing earlier today?" Sebastian nodded, "You reminded me of a friend of my husbands, his name is Atsumu Miya? I don't know if you've heard of him or not. He's a genius setter, back in highschool, he was my greatest foe. The way you work reminds me a lot of him when he was younger, you just need to hone your skills and you'll be good enough to play against me."

"You really think so?"

"Yeah, of course, you just need to practice, a lot. In fact, let's do it right now."

"Right now?"

"Yeah, it's not too cold outside, there's surely a beach or a court nearby, right? Let's go."

"Okay, sure let me go change..."

"Nope, we're leaving now."

"Mr. Tooru I'm in my boxers!"

"It's fine, we're the only ones gonna be there anyways. I'm not wearing a shirt, it'll be fine, i promise."

"...Okay" Sebastian let Tooru drag him out of the house and around town until they found a beach.

The two of them ended up practicing there until dawn. And as the sun came up, Tooru laid down on the sand and watched it rise over the ocean. Sebastian sat down next to him.

"It's really pretty."

"Yeah, it is, isn't it." Tooru had an idea. He pulled out his phone and snapped a picture of it.

Tooru: I wish you were here to see the sun rise with me
*Tooru sent an image*

He figured that his husband would respond at some point later in the day, since he was probably just now leaving practice.

He tucked his phone back into the pocket of his pajama pants, then he stood up. He helped Sebastian stand up as well,

Tooru couldn't shake the feeling that he was being watched.

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