Christmas Season With Depression

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Jamie POV
Another Christmas without Buddy, I want to pretend Christmas doesn't exist. The world seems to forget what it's really about. Though I'm not very religious, I hate how people are more worried about the presents; and the people who decorate before Thanksgiving, ugh. Anyway, it's another year without my dog, Buddy. Yeah, sorry to disappoint; I'm talking about my dog. I swear he understood Christmas like most humans and would search for his presents. He'd get mad if he heard I didn't get his present yet. His adopted brother, onyx, also loved Christmas. Though he didn't search for his presents.

Drift POV
I was hoping Christmas this year would be different. In a way, it is, but not the way I was hoping. The pain of Buddy's death is still there, along with so much emotional pain from other shit. The other Autobots and I don't know what to do to help her, not even Bee, Ratchet, or Prime, who've known her for nineteen years. I don't think any present is going to make her happy this year. Not even if I planned a vacation to Japan.
"I don't know what to do," I tell Crosshairs as he sits on his bed.
"Neither do I. I don't think anyone has any ideas. How the frag can humans let other humans deal with that much emotional pain?"
I didn't know I started to tear up until I felt Crosshairs hug me.
We agreed Jamie needs to come back for a while. Unfortunately, she'll need to be home on Christmas, so we'll do Christmas a couple of days early, then Crosshairs and I will be with her on Christmas in her dimension.

Optimus Prime POV
It hasn't been that long since I last saw Jamie but, judging by what Crosshairs and Drift tell me, I fear her mental state took a serious decline. This is going to take time to remedy since we need to be careful.

Eleven days here won't help Jamie much, but this is a last-minute plan and the best we can do for now. I've known her long enough to see how much she's hurting just from Looking at her. Even the bots who haven't been around her much know how hurt she is. The plan is a Christmas party next weekend. For now, Crosshairs and Drift take her to their room. Jamie has stayed with them for months before. She's used to staying in their room.

Crosshairs POV
Jamie doesn't want to talk, but we all see the emotional pain she's in. It's a struggle to get her to talk, and when she finally starts talking, it turns into crying. We would rather not have Jamie deal with that because it's Christmas, hoping we can wait until after Christmas.

We only need a day to know how bad Jamie is struggling. Why the others want to know this to plan the Christmas party is beyond me.

Two days pass before they ask me to help with the planning.
"A half Christmas party," Bee tells me, "but this turned into planning a night to hopefully make Jamie happy."
"Which would work better if she liked Christmas movies," Sideswipe adds.
"That's why it's a half Christmas party. You've heard everyone; they want Jamie to be happy. Actually, it's even the first night we all can do something together in months."
"At least we don't have to get permission from Prime, but even if we did, he'd understand."

Jamie POV
I don't know why Crosshairs and Drift wanted me to come back now. Though I've wanted to come back, afraid the Autobots will tire of my mental and emotional struggle.
Sideswipe will like there's a Minecraft championship on Twitch tomorrow night.
"I can't believe you don't play the game but watch a championship almost every month," Sideswipe laughs.
"And the streamer she watches plays Minecraft at least once a week," Crosshairs adds.

Sideswipe POV
It's funny how Jamie doesn't really want to play Minecraft, but she likes watching gameplay. I didn't know this. Maybe I can get her to play the game with me. I know we're planning a party, but I'm going to plan a good time together.

Sadly, it's true; it's another year without my dogs. Two without Buddy and three without Onyx.  I got Buddy as a puppy, and my family took Onyx for my older brother.

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