Day 8: knockout Legally racing? Knockout

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 Knockout POV
It's been seven years since I joined the Autobots. Sadly, we all had to go into hiding soon after Prime welcomed me to the Autobot ranks. It's been three years since N.E.S.T. reformed, but I still feel like several Autobots and soldiers don't like me here. Thankfully, not enough to fight me. Even the psychopath, Sunstreaker, doesn't fight me. They have assigned me to protect Perceptor, Wheeljack, and the humans at a lab, but I joined Perceptor traveling to N.E.S.T.'s D.C. location.  

Jamie doesn't know I have a holoform. I quietly walk to the table and cover her eyes with my hands. 
"Sideswipe!" She scolds. 
"Not me," he sulks before putting his plate on the table. Everyone at the table smiles, trying not to laugh. 
"You'd make a great con," I tell her. 
None of us thought she'd be afraid to see me. She knows I changed sides. 
"It's ok," Drift assures her. 
Jamie looks around, afraid a fight will start. Sunstreaker would be the likely culprit, but he's at the same table, looking right at us, and not bothered I'm here.

Optimus walks in, perfect timing. Jamie will relax once Jamie hears what we're trying to tell her from him. 

Optimus Prime POV
I didn't think Jamie would panic seeing Knockout, but now that I think about it, she doesn't know Knockout is a part of N.E.S.T. 
Hard to believe she hasn't been in contact with Knockout all these years. 
She relaxes after I explain to her Knockout has been a part of N.E.S.T. 

Knockout POV
I'm crushed even after what happened at the end of the war. After our secret was out, Jamie was afraid to stay in contact with me, which I don't understand since she's friends with another former con. I want to stay and build my friendship with Jamie, but I don't think that'll happen.  

My plan today is to enter a race. I know Crosshairs and Drift are with Jamie most of the time, so I told them about my plans beforehand. I tried to get Blurr to join us, but unfortunately, he doesn't trust me to travel together.

"You legally racing?" Jamie laughs. 
"It's part of a charity event," I add. 
"Legal race and charity? Who are you, and what have you done to Knockout?" 
"It's true, Jamie," Lennox jumps in and explains to her about today's event and race. 

Jamie POV
I knew he wasn't an evil con like Megatron or Shockwave. Nor was he like Drift, changing sides after realizing the cons are in the wrong, but I knew he belonged with the Autobots. I knew the risk we were taking. I didn't think things would be like this, even though it's been seven years since we last saw each other. 

 Knockout POV
I knew Jamie would be happy, but I'm thinking now wasn't a good time for our reunion.  
"She'd be like this no matter when you came back," Drift tells me as I hold Jamie. She's not crying, but tests roll down her face.  
What have you been through the past seven years? 

Crosshairs and Drift let me take Jamie to their room. However, she remained quiet once we got there, and I sat on a bed.  

The race isn't for another four hours, but I don't think we'll be racing together. I don't care; I'm happy to be reunited with Jamie, even if it's only for a few days.  

Jamie had fallen asleep. I left to get my alt mode ready for the race, hoping Jamie would still join me. Drift had followed me to the hanger. Getting my alt mode ready turned into the two of us talking. I know little about Jamie's struggles, but I hate what I'm hearing. The conversation turned into talking about my knowledge are and Janie's illness. 

Jamie is awake thirty minutes before the race. We head to the track with several other bots and soldiers who'll be both racing and watching.  

Blurr POV
I told that con I wasn't going with him, but I was invited to this race by Prime. No way I was going to pass this up.   
"You told me you weren't coming," Knockout comments.
"I wasn't joining you on the trip here," I reply, "no way I'd pass up a race." 
"Is that the only reason you came here?" 
"Well, you might think I'm still an evil con, but at least I care about our human friend here," he replies before taking Jamie from Drift's shoulder and walking away. 
Crosshairs and Drift explain everything, and I quickly feel bad. 

Knockout POV
For an Autobot who hates I'm here since I'm a former con, he's acting like a con. I know he spent a little time with Jamie a few years ago. Sadly, he's one bot who has spent little time with her. I don't know if I should be happy Jamie isn't bothered by this or not. 
"It's fine, Knockout," she assures me, but there's sadness in her voice.   

Most likely, Crosshairs and Drift are filling Blurr in on the situation. I put Jamie on the ground, activate my holoform, and hug Jamie. 

The race is about to begin. I'm disappointed Blurr didn't come to talk to Jamie before the race. Bumblebee, Jazz, Sideswipe, Sunstreaker, and several soldiers are also in the race. I'm surprised Crosshairs didn't enter. I figured Drift would want to watch the race, even if Jamie isn't driving — or so he thinks. 

We're doing a five-lap race around a one-mile long oval track. It's easy for me to adjust my pedals, steering wheel, and seat for Jamie. Jamie and the soldiers wear a helmet like professional racers wear. She has a grey, black and white one used when she rides her ATV.   
"Am I going to regret letting you drive?" I jokingly ask. 
"Maybe," Jamie smiles, "let's just say your finish might be ruined." 
All the cars line up at the starting line, waiting for Prime to wave the green flag. Jamie is ready, and I'm terrified. 

Jamie POV 
We're starting the race in the lead. It's been a long time since Knockout, and I raced, and I forgot how fun this is. It's different from driving at 100+ MPH while being chased by the enemy. Knockout is freaking out about his finish, which adds to the fun. 
"TURN!!!" he yells as we reach the first corner of the track.  
I laugh as I turn, wondering how long before Knockout decides I'm done driving? 

Knockout lasted until the end of the first lap before telling me he'll take over driving.  
"I would not ruin your finish," I sulk. 
"I forgot you're a crazy driver," he teases. 
I humph and look at how close Bee and Blurr are to passing us.  
"They won't pass us," Knockout says before picking up speed. 

Drift POV
This was a fun race to watch. Knockout and Jamie won, with Blurr in a very close second. The spectators expected the two mechs to argue.  
"You drive like a maniac," I hear Knockout comment, making Jamie laugh. 
"Oh, shut up, we won."  
I snuck behind her to kiss her. Her face turns red, which makes Knockout laugh.  

Knockout POV
I know these two are together. I'm not bothered by it. I don't think I could be the mech Jamie needs.
 This was a good day, and I'm allowed to stay in D.C. 

Blurr POV 
I don't know what I can do with Jamie; I regret we barely spent time together, but I'm staying here to spend more time with her. 

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