Chapter 12 - Ramen Shop

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"We still aren't there yet?" Kaidou complained. He, Katsumi, Nendou and Saiki were walking to a ramen shop. Katsumi loved ramen, so she was happy to go along with Nendou's plans. I'm a vegetarian, though, so no meat for me! Aren't I kind, not eating animals? Okay, okay, I'll stop. Saiki smiled.

"Just a bit further," Nendou told Kaidou.

"You're such a fool. Do you even know where it is?"

"Of course I know where it is, I looked at a map and everything," Nendou retorted.

You're one of the only two reasons I'm coming along, Saotome. So if we never arrive, I'm partially blaming you. Aw, thanks~ but what's the other reason? Katsumi completely ignored the blaming bit. Nobody likes these two, so if I'm with them people will leave me alone as well. Oh. Also, you know I like being called Katsumi, don't you? And you like me, right? At least as a friend, so why don't you call me Katsumi? No comment.  Fine, be that way. Katsumi huffed dramatically in her mind, more amused by herself than anything, then spotted Teruhashi passing by.

"Ah, Saiki-kun! What are you up to?" What are the rest of us, chopped liver?

"Oooh! Te-Teruhashi-san?!" Nendou and Kaidou went rigid, gasping. Katsumi's eye twitched. I hang out with you guys all the time, and you've never given that reaction. Is that the reason why? It better be.

"What are you guys up to?" Teruhashi turned to Katsumi, Nendou and Kaidou.

"Well, you see, this guy he.. he said that there is a delicious ramen shop near here," Kaidou explained. "So we are.. well.. going to eat there."

"Ahh, so you're going to eat ramen, huh?" Teruhashi looked at Saiki again, who gazed in the opposite direction. Thank you, Kusuo. Wait, should I call you Saiki in my mind?

No problem. And Kusuo is fine. "If it's not asking too much, would it be okay if I joined you guys as well?" Teruhashi put her finger up and closed one eye. "Or am I asking too much right now?"

"No, no, it's just fine with me," Nendou spouted, suddenly articulate.

"You are more than welcome!" Kaidou shouted enthusiastically.

Sigh. You don't like her, Kusuo? No, she's annoying. Don't you think everyone's annoying, though? Except me, aheh. Mostly, but she's especially annoying because she has feelings for me. Really? Would I lie? No. 

While they talked, they walked to the ramen shop. People pointed out Teruhashi to each other, and fawned over her beauty. It was aggravating. After a while, Katsumi felt like hurting every new person who mentioned how pretty she was or how she had to be a model. Of course they didn't know, but it was Katsumi's dream to be a famous singer, with thousands of adoring fans. And seeing someone have fans for walking down a sidewalk, it was enough to make anyone jealous.

At least Saiki understood. He wouldn't comfort her, exactly, but he'd think things like 'mmm' and 'yeah'. She was glad at least Saiki was on her side, because there was no point looking to Nendou or Kaidou for help in that area. They were just as starstruck as everyone else.

"So, Kaidou-kun.." Teruhashi began to speak. Watch yourself, Kokomi. He's mine.

"Ye-yes?!" He seemed startled.

"Why are you always wearing those bandages on your hands, even though you seem perfectly fine? It isn't some kind of injury, is it?"

"Ah.. you.. you're talking about this." Kaidou held up his hand. "Well, you could say it's like a whatchamacallit.. a seal. It's to, like, keep my powers in check and stuff.."

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