The mb story of the year part 2

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   As they get to the girl Prodigy yells out Dammit. What? Says Princeton. We're about to get mobbed. Says Prodigy. I peeped that. Ray we gotta get out of here. Im bout to call Keisha right now. Says Roc. Damn look you , you and you here is the address to our hotel. Come to the hotel in a half and hour. Says Ray Ray. Roc pulls out his bleeper and bleeps keisha. Keisha says Roc. what? Says Keisha. We need you. Says Roc. Why? Says Keisha. Keisha Says Roc.  Roc give me the phone. Says Princeton.  So he does. Keisha we are getting chased can u meet us 2 blocks away from the hotel. Says Princeton. ok. I should leave ya'll asses out there. Says Keisha. Keisha stop playing. Says Princeton. Then she starts laughing. Im coming. Now ya'll see why i dont like ya'll out there? Says Keisha.  yes gotta go.Says princeton. I hope to see ya'll there. Dont let anybody see ya'll coming to the hotel.  Roc run!!!!! Says Ray Ray.  What the hell. Says Roc. Just then they all start running except for Roc he starts running then does a blackflip. Roc stop playing if you get caught we not helping you. Says Ray Ray. There goes Keisha. Says Prodigy. Just then Keisha stops. Get in. Says Keisha. Back at the park. Yo did Ray Ray just invite us to their hotel? Says Demetria. Yes he did. Says Iyana. I dont know about ya'll but i am going. Did ya'll see how prodigy was looking at me. Says Jazmyn. Yes and i think  Ray Ray was feeling me.Says Demetria.  I think he was. But ya'll already know who i want. Says Iyana. Yea. your truely Princeton. Says Demetria. Oh no. He said a half & hour i cant go looking like this Says Iyana. Yea your right. Jahzmyn you still have clothes at our house right. Says Demetria. Yea. Says Jazmyn. Ok so lets go to the house and freshing up. Says Demetria. So they do. Back at the hotel. That was a close one. Says Prodigy. Yea i know. Says Princeton. Serves ya'll right. I should of left ya'll butts out there. Says Keisha. Keisha. Says Roc. Thats cold. Says Ray Ray. No it's not. Ya'll wanted to take ya'll asses out there right. Says Keisha. But Keisha. Says Princeton. But Keisha nothing keep ya'll butts in this hotel cause the next time imma leave ya'll out there ,and your gonna have to find ya'll way back by ya'llselves. Says Keisha. Keisha why you gotta be so mean. Says Princeton. Its called tough love. Beside if i dont do it who else will?  Says Keisha. Our parents. Says Ray Ray. Are they here? Says Keisha. No. says Ray Ray. I rest my case. Says Keisha. She told you Ray. Says Prodigy. Shut up. Says Ray Ray. Ok. Keisha. Says Roc. What Roc? Says Keisha. Remember when i told you that we might bring some girls back. Says Roc.Yea y? Says Keisha. Because Ray told 3 girls too meet us here. Says Princeton. Why you gotta throw me under the bus like that? Says Ray Ray. Cause i wanted to. Says Princeton. Snitch. Says Prodigy. Whatever Princeton. But yea Keisha i did tell 3 girls to met us here. Says Ray Ray. Do ya'll think that is a good idea? Says Keisha. Ray told them not to let anybody see them coming here. Says Roc. Ok. I hope so. Says Keisha. Keisha can we stay down here or do you want us to go to our room? Says Ray Ray. Do what ya'll want just dont leave the hotel. Says Keisha. We wont. Says Prodigy. Yo Ray when are the girls suppose to be coming?Says Princeton. Yea Ray. where are they at? Says Roc. Relax they should be here soon. Besides i already know who i want. Says Ray Ray. So do i. Says Princeton. Me to. Says Prodigy. At less ya'll know. Says Roc. Dont be like that Roc. Says Princeton. Be like what. Says Roc. Like that. You will get a girl sooner than you think. Says Prodigy. When? When i turn 80? Says Roc. I hope not. Says Ray Ray. Just then a car pulls up and the girls get out.

        Stay tuned for part 3 to find out what happens next.

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