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Draped in a blue saree, I walked into my room.

Finally, I was going to meet my favorite people.

I checked my room, once again for the thousandth time in the past 24 hours. Everything was the same, except it was much neater than it has ever been.

My mother was willing to take photographs of my room instead of me in the borrowed saree. That's life.

A blue glittering mask, webcam, and a broadband connection were waiting for me. I put on the mask. Then, I Turn ON my hp computer.

After logging into my writing account, I opened the link for the Zoom Meeting.

I took a deep breath and typed my permission to turn on the camera.

More than 75 people were present at the meeting. Everyone was wearing a mask.

In the small Square-shaped windows there were all those beautiful people present with whom I might have conversed regularly for years via chat.

The only trouble haunting me was to 'Speak up instead of shying away. I was calling my inner confidence to 'Wake Up'. After spending a good amount on my speaking classes, I did not want to miss my chance of having an actual vocal talk with them.

I increased the volume and started listening to the voice of the organizer. She spoke in a melodious voice and wanted to thank everyone for coming together for this meeting.

I am sure everyone would have heard my loud breathing if my mic was turned on.

I recognized my Team Queen even with her mask on. No one could actually fail to recognize the Angel among us. She had alienators wand in the left hand and was thanking everyone for coming up for the birthday party on this short notice.

I really felt glad to be a part of this family at that moment.

Even with a mask on, I felt mesmerized to meet all the virtual friends of my family.

I have a gut feeling that next time when I talked to either of them, I will compare them with their masks. The zombie and joker masks will get pasted in my memory forever.

Now, it was time for everyone to introduce themselves with their pen names.

Following the alphabetical order, the introduction began.

I recognized my team.

A Pikachu mask, a Dragon mask, a mickey mouse mask, and a Batman mask.

They are my closest friends in this big family. We met because we had chosen the same team and I  have been blessed to meet these excellent people.

It seems very quiet. Is it my turn?

 "Hello, beautiful people. My name is Jenny. I feel glad to be present before all of you on this awesome day. It is not possible to feel so connected with anyone virtually if not for love for books which has bound us together. Love you, Wattpad."

I received claps and cheers, virtually. Even with a long-distance, I felt the warmth behind those cheers.

I smiled. 

An Adventure of Sorts #JustWriteDay -Where stories live. Discover now