Hi, My name is Christopher and the movie we are here to talk about today is Abduction. I'm going to show you some of the Movie covers that I have found and talk a bit about them, so these are the cover posters. My two favourite covers have to be these two. as I just feel that they relate a bit more to what the movie is about and also I think they look cool. I think this one draws you in slightly more through.
Before I get into anything else when watching stuff I make a little parent guide, if you want to go through it you can hit the pause button on this video and have a look at the list, if you think that I've missed out anything leave it in the comments. I first saw the trailer for the movie on a movie account tiktok and it looked interesting and I saw that it had action so I had to watch the movie straight away on Netflix which was on the first of December.
I am now going to talk about some of the movie details. The script was said to be based on a story idea by Jeremy Bell, The movie was directed by this person and was created by this person. The movie has a runtime of 1h 46mins and was rated 12A and it first came out in September 2011 and in other places it came out a year later. It is said that the cast and crew started filming on the 12th of July and ended on the 22nd of September of the same year and was said to have been filmed in America in these places and this was what the estimated budget was said to been
There was a few things that i liked in the book which was the soundtrack, I thought the music worked well with the scenes, I loved the opening scene I think it was awesome and a good way to start the movie off, I also enjoyed the scenes with Nathan's friends in. Gilly and the other person, I don't know his name as I don't think it was mentioned in the movie. I liked the party scene that was more or less that was at the start of the movie. I think it looked pretty cool. I've never been to a house party but they look like fun. If I ever went I would have properly be that person just chilling with headphones in and listening to music music and reading a book while petting the family dog or cat in the corner. I believed that the acting in the movie was pretty good. I also liked that there was a few scenes where the main character shown his discomfort after throwing a round of punches and then letting us. The viewer see that he was in pain and then that he carried on fighting but in a different way which made the movie feel more believable. I see in a lot of movies that I would tell myself shit that would hurt and they would act like they was not in any pain at all. Other than that there was some parts in the movie where the acting went a bit down hill but I think it turned out okay not the best through but it was okay in them scenes.
-I thought that it was good that the movie had some funny scenes as it helped balance things out and it also made it even more realistic, Another thing that I liked was that we got to see each point of view when the two sides got a bit of new information on new updates and discovery's. Another thing that I liked was the fast pacing of the movie, in a lot of the action scenes there were a lot of close calls where I thought that the two main character's were done for, which kept me on the edge of my seat.
The thing that I wasn't a huge fan of was the movie name because it was just a scary thought that wasn't even true. I would have liked the movie to have gone into this direction if it followed the name of the movie and just had these two characters as the bad people and with them kidnapping Nathan when he was a kid and martin work mates, gets the CIA to help track him down and having the movie done that way. I didn't think the movie had much of a solid timeline written down in the script to be honest. It was just really the start that was interesting. I really enjoy watching action movies but if you take away the running and fighting nothing really much happened in this movie.
I would have also liked the movie a bit more if the character development was stronger as I just feel liked there wasn't that much, I felt it was lacking in chemistry to because of it. The two main characters, I think they could have done better with that and I also feel as if flashbacks were needed and not just mini ones of the event that was in Nathan's dreams. As it felt like we were just getting told a lot of information most of the time. I think it could have helped with the two main character chemistry if we was given flashbacks of them when they were younger or something that showed there friendship before and after the party. Which reminds me of part of the train scene. If you watched the movie you would properly understand what I'm talking about and because of all the stuff that I just said, I didn't feel like that scene worked that well and it really did come out of no-where and also the scene felt over the top. I would have liked it more if they had lowered that scene down or even have just taken it out all together. The other thing was that I would have liked to have seen more of Nathan and what he saw of his family, of the man and women that was looking after him for years. I would have liked to have seen a bit more of there bond and love towards each other as it just felt a bit off. Besides that I would have liked to have seen more of billy, the bully in the movie. I think it would have been cool if he tried to have befriend Nathan in some way and then him being pulled into the action and for us to have seen his good side and witness him helping and supporting Nathan and apologising to Karen for the way he was acting towards well both of them.
The other thing was that I would have liked there to have had more dirt, grim and stuff other then being sweaty the characters looked pretty clean after the first half of the movie during the most parts where they would have been a bit more dirty as there was more fighting and like a night of sleeping outside surrounded by nature and wet dirty surfaces. The ending definitely gave me a this is going to be a sequel vibe but there was never one or hasn't been yet if it ever did happen it would properly have a new cast or a much older Nathan, Any way if there was one I would hope to have seen more of an relationship between Nathan and his dad and also some flashbacks to when Nathan and Karen were younger because in this movie it said they were friends and then they just drifted away from each other and this movie does gave us a reason but we don't really see how they use to get along with each other or how they even meet in the first place and so we could just rush back into the action once again.
My top 7 favourite characters from the book, starting at number 7, Burton, Martin, Karen, Dr Bennett, Nathan's other friend, Nathan, Gilly, If the movie ever gets turned into a book I would have definitely went online and buy it. I would love for it to be a little different to the movie through as I have read books that has become books after being a tv show and they were exactly the same but at times with even less information. which I didn't like so much. I like new details and information. For each movie that I watch, I rate it out of 10, so for this I'm going to give it 7.
Movie Review
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