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Naaz opened her eyes only to feel herself wrapped in her husband's embrace

Her cheeks flushed pink while her heartbeat quicken

She tried getting up from his hold when he tighten his grip on her

Where do u think u are  going? His husky voice came

I ... She tried to free herself making him sigh while he tighten his hold on her more

C..chorien ...sid just rolled his eyes

Zalima dil to na todo ...he smiled mischievously

Ignoring his sweet endearments she started wriggling making him irritated

He pulled her to him caging her in his arms and strictly looked at her

Sleep guzel 

She quickly closed her eyes scared like a baby making him smile

Kissing her forehead he adjusted them comfortablly and looked at the clock

It was late night and they don't need to be up yet

Sunraise peeked inside the room making him stir

He opened his eyes and came to the most beautiful sight

There lay in his arms his wife sleeping peacefully looking like an angel

My guzel

Smiling he untangled himself and went out to freashen up

Entering inside the kitchen sid scratched his neck

Now how to cook breakfast?

An idea popped in his mind and he immediately called his saviour

Hello Jay

He herd a groan on the other side than he heard a thud

Did he just fell from the bed?

Dude why the fuck are u calling me at 6 in the morning ? A very sleepy jay barked from the other side

Uh ... How to make breakfast

Again he heard shufflings than a dramatic gasp

Don't tell me tjhe ghar se nikal diya h and now u are cooking in your hut ...Jay mused making him scoff

Shutup .... I need to make breakfast for ...jays shrill voice came

Ohhh ... Bhabhi k lye Jay was fully awake

U know what ?? U sleep ...Sid scoffed ready to cut the call

Wait wait ... Let me do something I am not a chef here ..Jay sighed

Here ... How to make omellate he typed on Google making Sid groan

Jay ... Ye m b karsakta hu ..nevermind ..u sleep good night saying he cut the call

With the help of Google he prepared breakfast

Naaz set up yawning cutely and looked around

Sighing she tried to get up when a grinning sid came inside

Good morning guzel ...he grinned placing the breakfast on table and set on couch

He than placed fresh roses beside her kissing her forehead making her shy

Mumbling a good morning she freashen up and joined him

Naaz look in aww just how perfect this men is

He placed a freash glass of juice with bread butter in front of her

Ye aapne banaya? She couldn't help but ask

yupp ...he grinned making her drink the juice

Naaz couldn't help but smile at his caring nature

She always used to crave for love and now that he is actually here giving her all the love n care made her feel giddy

After breakfast sid instructed her to get ready as they need to go for check up

She tried to protest but one glare and here she is sitting beside him in his car

U okay? He asked conserned from morning he is by her side conserned about her health

She noded looking out of the window

He is trying his best to mend things between them but her being the introvert shy person is making it difficult

She would just nod or answer in one line not even a smile

Sid sighed ...he needs to work hard!

They were stopped in traffic when naaz saw the garden full of roses and greenery

She smiled looking at it and ofc sid noticed it

U like flowers?

I like greenery it's so peaceful she mumbled in a daze

Sid smiled looking at her beautiful smile

They reached home and after instructing her to take rest he went for his photoshoot

Naaz played with inanc in her room as amaa bi wouldn't even let her roam out

Inanc baby ... Naaz pouted snuggling in her cat

Aap b bore hogye na just like me ...the cat purr as if agreeing with her master

Arnav ji entered her room gaining naaz attention

After normal talk he cleared his throat

Beta aapke baba k tabyat thik nahi h he slowly informed her making her shock

B..baba ...she whispered feeling panick arose

Dad mjhe gaww jaana hai ..she desperately pleaded making Arnav ji nod

And in next hour she was in car rushing to her village

But in all the chaos she forget to inform him

Her husband

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