Aren't We A Little Old For This?

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       A loud whistle blared throughout the camp. The sun had only just risen, the rays of light shining through the leaves, casting shadows where ever it couldn't make it through.

       The adults, with the exception of the Guardians, were standing together by the campfire. The first person to emerge from the cabins was Peter, who was wearing Hello Kitty pajama pants and a white t-shirt with a school bus on it. He was in a fighting stance, and looking around frantically.

       It seemed that all of the adults all simultaneous realized that the whistle they used was the same whistle that warned them the Tower was under attack.

       "What's wrong? What happened? Why are you guys so calm? Is this a drill? Did the system glitch? Is it a false alarm? Are we—" "Peter, relax, we just needed to wake up you all up," Tony assured. Peter immediately relaxed at his words. Peter let out a sigh of relief. "Oh. Okay then."

       This exchange repeated for the majority of the other kids (the ones that weren't (practically)  raised in the tower didn't understand what all the fuss was about).

       Once everyone was outside, the Avengers explained that they needed to get dressed in proper work out gear, and meet them in the training area.

*()* Meet Joelena. She's responsible for time skips. (Don't make fun of her lips, she's really conscious of them.)

       Most of the kids were in front of the Guardians' ship, the Milano, as they were told. Well, they weren't necessarily told. Peter being the first one of out the door, was also the first one done getting dressed (albeit leaving a mess behind him). Once he was out the door again, he walked over to the brightest thing that he could see (he does this more often than he would like to admit, but still refuses to believe that he accumulated some bug-like instincts from the spider bit) and sat down in front of it. The other kids followed him, eventually all gathering there.

       The adults all stood across from them on the other side of the path. They were going to tell them what their first challenge would be, but where waiting on Daisy and Sinthe.

       "Where are these two? It's been--" Wanda started, but was interrupted by the two of them running out.

       "Sorry we took so long! Me and Shield had to clean up after the others!" Sinthea exclaimed.

       Sin ran up to the group, then leaning back against the Milano. Daisy joined soon after.

       "Speak of the devil and he shall appear, right Wanda?" Tony joked while nudging her in the ribs.

       Wanda turned to face him with a cheery expression on her face.

       "Hey, Tony?"


       "Don't," she threatened, her expression and tone darkening. After she said this, she turned back to face the kids in order to explain what they were doing today, leaving a shocked Tony to continue staring at her.

       "Now that everyone's here, it's time to get down to business. We decided it would be best to start you guys off somewhat easy with a scavenger hunt. We're gonna break you up into two teams and give you your first clue. The losing team will have to vote a member off."

       Multiple people raised their hand.

       "Yes, Lena?"

       "Didn't you say that you we were going to be eliminated based on how we performed in the challenges?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2021 ⏰

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