Welcome to Gravity Falls

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I looked out the window of the bus, listening to my older siblings talk about how excited they were to go back. What they wanted to do, who they wanted to see. They were excited, but I wasn't.

My name is (y/n) pines, I'm two years younger than my older siblings, Dipper and Mabel Pines. We are currently on our way to Gravity Falls, a small town in Oregon. They had been there last summer, while I was sent to a summer camp. They came back with amazing stories that I listened to all year, but when I tried to tell them about my summer, they would interrupt me, ignore me, or walk away. I was used to it though.

I looked at the seat in front of me, wondering how my summer would go, knowing I almost certainly wouldn't be included in Dipper's and Mable's activities. I knew I would probably be lonely, but I could go explore the woods and start building a treehouse. I've always wanted to do that, and if I make any friends, it would be a cool place to hang out.

I looked out the window again, and saw a sign saying, "Welcome To Gravity Falls, Nothing To See Here." I thought that was a weird town slogan, as normally you would want something to bring in tourists, not seem like nothing was interesting here. Not long after the sign, the bus stopped in front of a wooden cabin, labeled "The Mystery Shack." It was exactly like Dipper and Mable had described.

The twins quickly grabbed their luggage and got off the bus, but I was a little more reluctant. I looked at our great uncles, who already had a great relationship with my siblings, and I felt the anxiety start to gnaw at me, but started to approach the shack anyways.

It didn't take long for one of the gruncles to notice me. "You must be (y/n)." He started walking towards me, and the anxiety increased. "Uh, yeah, that's me..." He took my luggage from me and gestured towards the woods. "Why don't you go explore, I'll get your stuff set up." I nodded and started towards the woods.

Right away, I started to look for a place to build a treehouse and soon came across a nice clearing. I looked around and started to have a vision. I could build an actual cabin of my own. I could have a porch and a garden. I could make a rock garden next to that weird statue.

Wait weird statue...

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